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Communication Plan for Volkswagen Group

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Communication Plan
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Communication Plan
One of the desired actions for Volkswagen Group after the full-blown emissions scandal is to increase positive public sentiment around the company and bring back brand trust. This action will be achieved by continually acknowledging the company’s past mistakes and reassuring the public that the company has turned over a new leaf. The company will endeavor to address any negative story affecting the brand in the most transparent manner by constantly monitoring all platforms where conversations relevant to the company are taking place. Owning up the past and talking about all arising issues demonstrates a firm’s sincere effort at not only increasing social likeability but also restoring previous public confidence in itself (The Drum Reporters, 2017). The company will roll out a customer service plan where all customer complaints or inquiries will be handled directly and promptly by the customer service team.
While some negative sentiment is unlikely to change, it is important that even the critics feel heard and valued as this helps improve overall public perception. Another desired action is to successfully increase brand awareness of Volkswagen’s shift into cleaner electric vehicles. The company’s sustainability commitment to producing green cars is part of the automaker’s broader efforts at winning public trust and, therefore, advertising this conviction is critical. The company will embark on an aggressive marketing strategy for its upcoming electric vehicles by creating effective messages that resonate with customer beliefs of what a green Volkswagen car should be like. By focusing on why the company's electric companies provide better driving and ownership experience, besides obvious environmental benefits, the company will not only be raising awareness of its commitment to sust...
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