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Coach and Player Relationship

Essay Instructions:


If you have been in sports long enough, you will know that no one coach is exactly alike; every coach has his or her own methods which they employ with their players. Reflect on your past with coaches (and your personal coaching experience if you have any). You also need to think about the varying cultures across the globe (i.e. the culture from your Sport Ministry Plan).


The student will write a 3 – 5 page research-based paper in current APA format that focuses on the topic provided within the course. All written assignments are required to include a title page and reference page at the end of the paper.

Approach this assignment from the perspective of a coach.

 Do you think a high context, high power distance relationship or a low context, low power distance relationship is appropriate between a coach and athletes?

 Is your answer dependent on culture, sport, gender, or age group?

 Provide at least 2 scholarly sources to support your position.

Note: Your assignment will be checked for originality via the Turnitin plagiarism tool.

Essay Sample Content Preview:

Coach And Player Relationship Assignment
Student’s Name
Professor’s Name
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Course Name and Number
Due Date
Coach And Player Relationship Assignment
The relationship between coaches and their athletes is a primary determinant of the success and growth of the team and the individuals. Mcgee and Defreese (2019) acknowledge that the coach significantly influences an athlete’s motivation, technical development, and emotional perspectives. The extent of their impact on these domains fundamentally depends on the type of relationship the coach practices. Adamovic (2023) indicates that coaches can employ high context, high power distance relationships or low context, low power distance relationships. The primary difference is that the former prioritizes clear hierarchies with minimal involvement of the subordinates in the decision-making, while the latter encourages increased participation at all levels. Although both forms have unique merits, a low context, low power distance relationship is the most appropriate approach for promoting success in contemporary sports because it can recognize and blend athletes’ diverse cultural needs.
Encouraging a relationship that minimizes the power disparity between the athletes one coaches is critical for improving the closeness. Mcgee and Defreese (2019) indicate that leaders who work closely with their team foster bonds that promote collaboration and motivation, which is critical in improving overall productivity. In sports, “coach-athlete closeness and complementarity” significantly improve the ability of athletes from diverse backgrounds to interact seamlessly and function as a unit (Mcgee & Defreese, 2019, p. 164). Jagielski and Zhang (2021) also support this observation by demonstrating the improved inter-relationship induced by low power distance between a coach and sportspersons. The authors note that significant power-related barriers are non-existent in this relationship, providing a healthy setting for the coaches to interact with their team effortlessly. Such a phenomenon confirms the organic corporation and familiarity with each other in such teams.
When coaches prioritize a low context, low power distance, they create an environment where everyone is equal. Adamovic (2023) states that this scenario induces far-reaching benefits because it encourages athletes to have a voice and express themselves. The author emphasizes that coaches using this approach embed a belief among their teams that they are free to mix without concern about anyone’s status or power. As a result, it becomes easy for athletes to interact with their superiors because no bureaucracies about instructions exist. They can enquire about ideas and contribute their opinions while recognizing the authority of their coaches. Such an aspect also facilitates the ease of athletes adapting to new cultures because of the seamless interactions with their peers and superiors. Choi et al. (2022) state that low power distance is akin to closeness, which promotes the concept of collectivism rather than individualism. Such a context reduces the cultural gap and enables them to gel with their co...
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