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Case Management And Organizational & Behavior

Essay Instructions:

Think about an experience you had where you felt extremely motivated. In a 3- to 4-page paper, analyze this experience according to the experiential format below. Each subtitle represents a different section of the paper.  You can use the subtitles as headings.Introduction: Discuss the topic of the paper and how you will approach it. It is best to write this section after you have written the rest of the paper.The Experience: Begin with a specific situation/event. Describe the experience where you felt extremely motivated. Be objective and focus on just the facts: who, what, where, when, and how.

Essay Sample Content Preview:

There are many times when one is stuck on something, and it has to take the effort of another individual or some other factor for progress. Not only does one get to move on from the stuck position, but the self-driven individual will get to learn why they were stuck and what was the missing ingredient that has been brought by the other individual. This discovery helps one to be more effective and successful. For example, in the job markets, many individuals start their careers with energy, a goal to fulfill and ambitions, but some it takes only a morning to quit the job or digress from their personal goals. As a business leader, one should be aware that people tend to be motivated by different things (Motivation and motivation theory 2015). Although there could be various reasons for the above one of the main reason is lack of motivation. Motivation, which is one of the popular topics in organizational behavior can be a complex subject, but understanding the same will help for better leaders and workers in an organization. This paper is going to look at motivation by giving a real-life scenario of the same during the first internship at a data entry section.
The experience
The existing that comes with getting a paid internship is almost similar to the joy of being employed. During my first internship, the excitement was brought about by several factors. First, it was paying. Secondly, I was about to experience the job market, and third, there was an opportunity to get absorbed in the company after the three-month internship. These three could have been my motivating factors at the begging of the internship. However, during the first three weeks, I observed that it was becoming routinely boring to wake up go to work and perform the same tasks as yesterday and the day before. These repetitive tasks of data entry were drudgery and unmotivating. Three weeks on the job and the thoughts of being only here for three months started running through my mind. However, in the fourth week, my energy was recharged by two things. First, we received our paycheck, and I was able to take off a few personal things. This made me look forward to the next paycheck, and as I talked to my superior about my predicaments, I was taken to another section where we were not only keying in data but generation of the same based on the future prediction. Future prediction meant one has to be creative, innovative and much research was involved. This was one of the key motivating factors.
Having learned in class on motivation theories, the concept in the paper was more of notes and history proved by other people; however, experiencing the same in the job market was a true self-discovering moment. Motivational theories focused on internal factors, which lead to direct behavior (Redmond &am...
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