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How GE Applies Lean Start-up Practices by Brad Power

Essay Instructions:

First summarize each file I upload and provide your own thought after each summary.
The summarize no need very detailed.

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Topic Journal
Topic Journal
Summary and Personal Thoughts on the article: How GE Applies Lean Start-up Practices by Brad Power
The world is becoming digitized, and there will come a time when analog will be a story of the past. General Electronica has responded quite well to the digital transformation according to the article. The article talks about how GE has started using the Lean Start-Up. Lean Startup is a way of developing new products from software development. This approach is being used in the manufacturing sector because it will help reduce the risks that occur when you build something then it refuses to sell. GE Corporation aims at bringing the manufacturing industry back to the United States although a lot is at stake. According to Brad, the Lean Startup strategy seems to work quite well.
The article also talks about the first time GE tried to manufacture a refrigerator with doors that open from the middle. In 2013, GE formed a new team and challenged it to come up with a product that changes the view of the customer (Power, 2014). For Fastworks to be successful, several changes had to be made in areas such as finance, supplier relations, roles and responsibilities. The article by Brad Power shows how GE has implemented several strategies for the products to be successful. This means that one should always be ready to make changes in a business. In doing so, the company will be flexible and quickly adapt to changes. I think that the article is educative especially to those businesses that cannot get used to changes.
Summary and Personal Thoughts on the book: Leading in the Digital Age by Thomas Cowan
The author of the book his viewpoint on the challenges and risks people face in the environment that they live in. The author aims to shine a light on the situation so that the people can think about the strategies and plans to solve the problems. In the book, the author targets the technologists, CEOs and entrepreneurs. The author states that it is vital for people to think in a way that the mind is open to creativity and how to execute a particular plan (Cowan, 2018). The article talks in depth about the challenges and the opportunities presented by technology. Also, the book talks about digital transformation and ways a person can ada...
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