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Business statement Home Depot’s Mission Statement Management Essay

Essay Instructions:

The mission statement describes the purpose of the organization (i.e., why the business exists). As outlined in the Mission Statements article, here are some things to consider when evaluating a mission statement:

Is the mission statement focused on satisfying customer needs rather than on the product?

Does the mission statement tell who the company’s customers are?

Does the mission statement explain what customer needs the company is trying to satisfy?

Does the mission statement explain how the company will serve its customers?

Does the mission statement fit the current market environment?

Is the mission statement based on the company’s core competencies?

Is the mission statement motivating and does it inspire employee commitment?

Is the mission statement realistic?

Is the mission statement specific, short, sharply focused, and memorable?

Is the mission statement clear and easily understood?

Does the mission statement say how the company wants to be remembered?

Review the following mission statements. Evaluate each mission statement based on the above criteria and explain how the mission statements meet or failed to meet those criteria.

Home Depot’s Mission Statement

The Home Depot is in the home improvement business and our goal is to provide the highest level of service, the broadest selection of products, and the most competitive prices. We are a values-driven company and our eight core values include the following:

Excellent customer service

Taking care of our people

Giving back

Doing the “right” thing

Creating shareholder value

Respect for all people

Entrepreneurial spirit

Building strong relationships

Nike’s Mission Statement

Our mission is to bring inspiration and innovation to every athlete in the world.

Essay Sample Content Preview:

Home Depot’s Mission Statement
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Home Depot’s Mission Statement
The Home Depot’s mission statement specifies the company’s business activities and strategic direction. The company was established in 1978 and it has emerged to be a leader in home improvement retail store chain in USA. From the company’s mission statement, it is clear that the company focuses on providing quality products and services to customers at competitive prices. The organization’s market share is a clear indication. Home Depot’s mission statement states that “to provide the highest level of service, the broadest selection of products, and the most competitive prices.” From this mission statement, three elements emerge; high quality service, broad product portfolio and competitive prices. These elements demonstrate the quality of the mission statement. The mission focuses on satisfying the needs of its customers by providing quality services and a broad category of products to choose from at competitive prices. Therefore, the focus is on customer needs and not the product. However, although the mission focuses on the satisfaction of customer needs rather than the product, it does not state the customers it is trying to satisfy.
Home Depot’s mission statement is clear on how it will serve its customers (by providing them with broad categories of high quality services and products at pocket friendly prices). Based on this, the mission statement fits the current market environment which is more competitive with dynamic customer needs. Therefore, providing a broad category of products and services at competitive prices gives the company a competitive advantage in the market. Moreover, this makes it focus on its core values which excellent customer service, taking care of its people and others. Having aligned its mission statement to its core competencies makes it realistic.
Another aspect that raises concerns is the shortness, sharpness and memorability of the mission statement. Long mission statements distort their focus and are difficult to memorize. In that light, Home Depot’s mission statement is short, focused and easy to memorize. Therefore, it is clear and understandable. Based on the above review, it can be argued that the firm’s mission statement states that it wants to be remembered as a company that provi...
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