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Different Aspects Of Organizational Communication

Essay Instructions:

Using your textbook Greenberg, J. (2011). Behavior in organizations (10th ed.). Upper Saddle River, NJ: Prentice Hall. Answer the following questions

1. Identify the pros and cons of group decisions. (75 word minimum)

2. Identify at least three ways that a manager can become a more supportive communicator? (75 word minimum)

3. In what way does culture influence communication? How can cross-cultural communication be improved? (75 word minimum)

4. Explain the concept of the decision style model, and identify the four basic styles. (75 word minimum)

5. Compare and contrast formal and informal communication, and provide at least three examples of each. (200 word minimum)

6. Identify the three primary models of individual decision making, and briefly describe each. (200 word minimum)

Essay Sample Content Preview:
Week 5 Assignment Name Institution Organizational communication refers to the exchange of information, ideas and views within and outside the organization. Ordinarily, every organization, whether business or non-business has some specific objectives and long term goals. The attainments of these goals depend on successful communication among the stakeholders. Good communication practices in an organization promote a clear understanding of virtually every human process that occurs there, and this may help in enhancing leadership skills, and it can also lead to increased workplace productivity. This paper examines and describes different aspects of organizational communication. Q1. Identify the pros and cons of a group decision Group decision making is a collective activity where several individuals are involved in analyzing problems, evaluating alternative courses of action and selecting the most suitable solution among the available choices. Group decision making has several advantages which include reflecting the diversity of views because different individuals come from different backgrounds and ultimately, they have their unique opinions and ideas concerning the matter at hand (Greenberg, 2011). Also, group decisions promote the collective contribution of ideas; this is key in removing the issue of monopoly in the decision-making process. Furthermore, group decision helps in fostering team building in an organization; this is because it helps in encouraging participation from all members and this promotes a healthy and cooperative relationship among the members. However, group decisions also have their disadvantages which include being slow at deciding since more time is consumed in evaluating the ideas of the members involves. Additionally, the decision may be biased or affected with preconceived notions which may affect the quality of the decision made. Q2. Ways that a manager can become a more supportive communicator There are different ways that managers may apply to promote supportive communications. First, managers should focus on problems in an organization and their potential solutions. They should not be focused on the individuals involved in the decision-making process. When managers take this approach communication becomes effective because other employees do not become defensive, rather, they become willing to participate in the proposed solutions (Greenberg, 2011). Also, a supportive manager should take an inclusive approach; this is possible if the manager does not sound like a superior person who gives directives from a high pedestal. Therefore, the manager should make other people feel valued and respected. Additionally, a supportive communicator manager should encourage productive dialogue, he or she should listen to other employees and should also promote a back to forth communication. Q3. In what way does culture influence communication? Culture refers to a set of shared values that a group of people holds. These values determine how people think and act. Culture may influence communication in an organization because it impacts on the way people approach and solve problems and it can also determine how people create relationships. For example, in some organizations, employees are required to go through the established hierarchical lines to approach their superiors, while in other cultures, it is possible to talk directly to people higher on the career ladder. Additionally, some cultures, promote individual decision making while others advocated for group decisions making. Cross-cultural communication in an organization may be improved by promoting the understanding and acceptance of the ...
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