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Information Systems for Managers

Essay Instructions:

There are two required cases:

Chapter 2 Troubleshooting Information Systems Case Study Questions

1. Despite having relatively little specific information about why the system failed, what do you think are the main reasons for such failure?

2. How could you fix these problems?

3. Reflecting on this experience, what do you think where the main mistakes, if any, that Blake made in handling the engagement?

Chapter 4 On-line Education Case Study Questions

1. Do you agree with Peter Drucker’s opening quote?

2. Is the Internet a disruptive technology in the education industry in general? And for Ivey’s School of Information Management in particular?

EACH of them has a file to read, ANALYZE and provide written responses to questions regarding selected cases, and I'll mark the files match which cases. EACH case answers should be structured in MEMO format and should NOT exceed 3 pages.

REQUIRES: The FIRST half of the memo should be a list of the key issues or problems in the case.

The SECOND part is the response to the specific questions for the case.

If you have any questions or the requirements are somehow unclear, just contact me anytime!!!

Essay Sample Content Preview:

Information Systems for Managers
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Information Systems for Managers
Chapter 2
Major Issues
Mistakes on the part of Fancy Consultants & Company.
* Blake did not have prior experience handling a major project. The company was unrealistic to imagine that Blake was capable of handling such a major project as an intern. After training his for two weeks, the company thought that he had acquired the necessary skills which was a major mistake.
* The company sent one individual to address a complex assignment. Since Blake was an intern, he needed to be accompanied by another experienced employee. However, the company trusted Blake alone on a project he could not deliver.
* The time allocated on the assignment was not sufficient. One week could not address the issue appropriately. The company seemed to be in a hurry to complete the project. They set high expectations to complete the project in a week.
* Blake was allocated to another project before he had fully implemented the project. He had to hand over the project to his classmate Jack Scarso meaning it was still under implementation. Replacing Blake with Jack before finishing the project interfered with the continuity of the project.
Mistakes on the part of Blake.
* He did not take time to understand the new system. Instead, Blake jumped into conclusions after undertaking the topical analysis. The general manager gave Blake only a basic understanding of the situation, and he used this information to make decisions regarding the system.
* Blake did not involve all the users of the system. While he took the time to discuss with the general manager, he did not take time to understand the requirements of the other system users.
* Blake spent only a week and left the project before implementing it fully. He failed to advise the company to allocate him more time to ensure the system was working as expected.
* He failed to remain in touch with his replacement Jack. There was no proper communication between the two; hence it was impossible for Blake to identify the problems which developed after he left. Jack failed to inform Blake of the problems that were developing. Blake got to know about the problem from his boss a month later because he was not in touch with his replacement Jack.
* He did not follow up with the management of the Royal Hotel to inquire about the implementation progress.
* Blake failed to offer proper training to the system users. Hence, it was challenging for hotel employees to transition to the new system. The managers of the Royal Hotel did not seem to understand Espresso. The failure to train the management and the employees made it impossible for them to implement the new system.
Discussion Questions
Question 1
* Since the Royal Hotel was relatively small, the new system was too complex for them to handle. The employees found it challenging to handle such a system with full functions. Given that the employees had no prior experience handling such a complex system, it was difficult for them to work efficiently with Espresso.
* The failure of Blake to train the employees on the new system made the problem worse. The employees found it difficult to use the new system and ended up abandoning it.
* The implementation of the system was wrong. The implementation of the whole system at once did not give the system users enough time to understand how it works.
* The support was insufficient as Blake left for another project. Handing over a project after a week to Jack interfered with continuity.
Question 2
* Instead of implementing a system with full functions, I would advise the hotel to start with a lite and simple system. The move would allow the employees to prepare for a more complex system like Espresso.
* I would spend time to train the system user on how to use it. The adoption of a new system largely depends on how the users understand it. Undertaking training would offer the system users an opportunity to become familiar with the system and get all their concerns addressed.
* In case I have to implement a full system, I will do it in phases. A prototype based method would be appropriate to allow me to change the system one floor at a time. This would make it easy to identify problems and fix them before they escalate.
* I would offer full support for the hotel management. I would keep in contact with Jack to identify any issues which arise.
Question 3
* B...
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