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Business Proposal: Raise Revenues by Providing Food Delivery Services

Essay Instructions:

Please submit a proposal (solution) on the business problem you have chosen and include visual elements that are appropriate and effective for your audience and purpose.

Adapt your proposal to the audience and purpose of your choice within your own field, job, or business.

Keep in mind that I am not your audience--I am here to help you reach the audience you choose and to assess whether your proposal effectively reaches that audience. Address your proposal to an appropriate business audience, a person or persons.

Depending on your audience, you may chose to set up your proposal as memo or a letter. This is the best way to make your audience clear up front, which is one of the key requirements of this assignment.

Feel free to be creative and to develop something that works best for you--in your chosen business context (a job you have or want to have, a business you'd like to be a part of or to own, etc.).

Length: take your cues about length from the examples in our text. Make it just long enough to reach your audience/achieve your purpose effectively with an appealing flow, avoiding redundancy and extra language.

You are welcome to imitate freely some of the samples in our text, as these are meant as models and show you the basic elements/templates for various kinds of proposals.

Also, you are welcome to take ideas from, or even imitate, the samples from previous students to suit your needs.

I have posted several sample assignments in Week 12.

The visuals should be incorporated into the flow rather than "tagged on" at the end. (One of the samples does this--please note it is not as effective as the others.)

Your visuals should not be just clip art, photos, or just letterhead (though can help, when appropriate); rather most of your visuals should present information from research and become part of building an argument for your proposal.

Feel free to run any ideas by me, especially if you want to deviate from the instructions, which can be fine; just let me know what you are thinking.


Essay Sample Content Preview:

Student’s Name

Professor’s Name



Business Problem Proposal

DoorDash Inc.

303 2nd Street

San Francisco, CA, 94107

8th Floor

United States


[Insert Your School’s Address]


To: Tony Xu, DoorDash Inc.’s Chief Executive Officer (CEO)

From: [Insert Your Name & Title]

Date: 19th November 2023

Subject: Raise revenues by providing food delivery services


DoorDash Inc. is an online company that has revolutionized food ordering on the Internet and home delivery. Indeed, its partners would like to show the outcomes of implementing an online food ordering system and home delivery services in the United States. The most significant thing about placing food orders over the Internet and receiving the products at doorsteps is that it is convenient and saves time. Currently, many people have busy working schedules and do not have time to prepare food at home. Since they have electronic gadgets that can connect to the web, it becomes easy for them to access the DoorDash website or download the mobile app, where they can order their favorite meals and get them delivered to their homes.


In January 2013, four students from Stanford University, namely Stanley Tang, Evan Moore, Andy Fang, and Tony Xu, introduced Palo Alto Delivery (Luna, 2023). Figure 1 shows how it appeared. These individuals realized that the world was changing and that people preferred convenient products and services to avoid time wastage. They started their business by using flyers and bulletin boards to enhance on-campus delivery business (Chen, 2022). Before DoorDash, an app created based on Palo Alto Delivery was launched in February 2013, its founders had interviewed over 200 small business owners in California. The interview captured three primary questions:

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