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Changing Company's Structure and Culture to be More Conducive to Innovation

Essay Instructions:

Based on your analysis of the organization’s structure and culture, share recommendations for changing its structure and culture to be more conducive to innovation.

Describe the current organizational structure’s impact on innovation.

How does your company’s organizational structure support innovation?

How effective is the current structure in addressing changes in market demand?

Recommend changes to the current organizational structure.

How does the new structure support innovation?

How will your recommended changes make the enterprise more responsive to market demand?

Explain how organizational changes support a culture of innovation.

In what ways does the current culture work against innovation?

How does the new structure support a culture of innovation?

Essay Sample Content Preview:

Organizational Structure and Culture Report

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Organizational Structure and Culture Report
Organizational culture refers to the expectations, practices, and values that inform and guide the actions of a specific company. In the scenario at hand, our company knows the importance of applying the current technologies to improve or upgrade its products and services. Over the last 30 years, car manufacturers have increasingly used sensors to make connected cars. Notably, connected cars have computer systems that inform drivers about everything happening, including oil levels and predictive maintenance. These vehicles are using the Internet of Things (IoT). The paper gives proper recommendations that can facilitate a change in the current organizational culture and structure to make our company more conducive to innovation.
The current organizational structure affects how our company can innovate. In particular, our company wants to increase the number of computers and sensors to 30 and 65 by 2025, respectively. Although the company knows the significance of embracing the current car technologies, its organizational structure is somehow rigid and does not offer the needed flexibility in implementing proper technologies. For instance, our firm has not chosen the innovation path that can help it achieve its long-term goals. The two primary proposed types of innovation are incremental and radical innovations. The company does not have the technology expertise needed to compete with renowned luxury car manufacturers, such as BMW and VW. In that light, its organizational culture should be changed so that it can be more ready to adopt upcoming technologies faster to gain the first-implementer competitive advantage.
Currently, the company’s organizational structure supports innovation. Firms that adopt open innovation have a higher likelihood of creating and maintaining their competitive advantages, improving the effectiveness of their daily operations, promoting growth and prosperity, and producing products and services that meet their clients’ needs entirely (Lam et al., 2021). Our company produces cars with computers and sensors at the 

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