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Article review and covid-19

Essay Instructions:

This is a financial and accounting course for event management majors. The content of the homework requires finding an article within 90 days and creating it as required.

The document has a specific format and writing outline

In addition, I will also upload the syllabus

Be sure to attach the found article at the end of the file

Articles are more related to the "event" industry and finance

This is the only source you can use.

Do not use any external sources

Essay Sample Content Preview:

Article Review
Student’s Name:
Unit Name & Number:
Date of Submission
Article Review
Loren G. Edelstein. As Pandemic Persists, Plans for In-Person Events Shift to Q3 2021. /News/Industry/Weekly-Survey-Tracking-Coronavirus-Meetings-Response. October 22, 2020
Article synopsis
The article explains how the current pandemic, COVID-19, has affected the events industry, resulting in massive cancellation of meetings, conferences, tradeshows, and other global activities. The author talks about the new developments that have been implemented to counter the negative impacts. The author also carried out NorthStar's Pulse Survey, which found out that 71 percent of event planners and organizers intend to resume face-to-face events not later than mid next year, with the rest eyeing quarter three next year.
Positive impact on the event industry
Digital acceleration
The pandemic led travel restrictions; therefore, people cannot travel to various destinations to attend meetings, tradeshows, conferences, and other events. Therefore, there was a need to adopt an online platform to facilitate events online, leading to creative and innovative digital solutions. In virtual events, attendees and participants from around the globe can engage and interact well. The technology will help organizers up their game to the next level with more background checking, custom matchmaking, and all participants' relevance. The digital acceleration will intensify the industry's operations, generating revenues, which could have been lost due to the ban on all face-to-face gatherings.
It encourages convenience
Since events are conducted virtually, events organizing companies' staff no longer have to move to the event venue to organize and set it up. Instead, all activities are done in their offices. Therefore, it is convenient because all activities have been central...
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