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Argumentative Essay - Creating a better work environment (Midlothian Fire Department) Common good is better than individualism when considering our work place.
Essay Instructions:
Your final course essay is due on the final day of the term. To prepare to write your essay, read the
information below. The assignment appears below this introductory information.
In any society there is a natural tension between the interests of individuals and the interest of the
group. There is a conflict between what individuals want and what serves their interests and what is needed for the welfare, safety, and security of the entire group. Commenting on the many economic and social problems that American society now confronts, Newsweek columnist Robert J. Samuelson recently wrote: "We face a choice between a society where people accept modest sacrifices for a common good or a more contentious society where groups selfishly protect their own benefits."
It might seem that since all citizens benefit from the common good, everyone would willingly respond to urgings that we cooperate to establish and maintain the common good. But numerous observers have identified several obstacles that hinder us, as a society, from successfully doing so.
One obstacle encountered by attempts to promote the common good is that of individualism. Our historical traditions place a high value on individual freedom, on personal rights, and on allowing each person to "do her own thing." Our culture views society as comprised of separate independent individuals who are free to pursue their own individual goals and interests without interference from others. In this individualistic culture it is difficult, perhaps impossible, to convince people that they should sacrifice some of their freedom, some of their personal goals, and some of their self-interest, for the sake of the "common good." Our cultural traditions, in fact, reinforce the individual who thinks that she should not have to contribute to the community's common good, but should be left free to pursue her own personal ends.
How is the conflict to be resolved? In different societies there are different resolutions. In those favoring
individualism there may be a great amount of freedom and a great reluctance on the part of government to restrict the liberties of individuals even when they are placing the welfare of others in jeopardy. In other societies that favor the common good over that of individuals there is less reluctance on the part of that government to intervene in the personal lives of individuals to preserve the common welfare and provide for the common good.
First, identify an area of your life that you want to focus on. It could be your work place, your neighborhood, your family, etc. Then, make a persuasive argument of whether you think individualism or the common good is more important within that group/environment (feel free to also qualify the argument, or apply the Rogerian approach when answering). In addition to including personal examples, be sure to also cite 2-3 academic sources as well.
When you summarize, paraphrase or quote information, you must accurately identify the source and include appropriate parenthetical documentation (this means in-text citation). Also, any work you cite should be included on your Works Cited page. Remember to place word for word language in quotation marks.
Essay Sample Content Preview:
Promoting the Common Good over Individualism in the Midlothian Fire Department
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In the Midlothian Fire Department, a workplace inherently rooted in teamwork and service, prioritizing the common good over individualism is essential to creating a better work environment. The case for prioritizing the public interest rests on the department's central purpose: public safety and addressing emergencies (Halpin & Teixeira, 2023). Individual autonomy and selfishness are good, but thinking of the public interest brings collaboration, efficiency, and cohesive team culture to fire departments that will allow them to thrive. The underlying question is: does prioritizing the common good addresses workplace challenges? This paper posits that a collective approach benefits not only the department but also the community it serves.
The Nature of Individualism and the Common Good
The ideology of individualism which accords freedom for the individual and personal gain clashes with the social good in public institutions such as fire stations. Individualism can foster creativity and personal flourishing, but it is inherently dangerous that too much of what gets done for us will get lost in the big picture. The literature shows that individualism, left to run rampant, leads to team conflicts and loss of trust. In contrast, putting the good of all first involves people making trade-offs – sacrificing personal interests for public purposes (Halpin & Teixeira, 2023). Such a balance aligns with John Rawls' conception of justice as fairness – equal opportunity and the distribution of wealth in the interest of all people.
The public good flourishes in the Midlothian Fire Department through mutual responsibility, joint response and shared responsibility. These core values ensure the department runs as a tight collective, with the goal being for the whole, not just individuals (Edward, 2019). Team responsibilities equally allocate responsibility so everyone feels included in the solution. Coordinated emergency response focus on cooperation and sync, allowing the department to respond to a crisis cost-effectively. Shared responsibility involves holding everyone accountable for contributing to the team's purpose, trust, and commitment (Edward, 2019). Together, these create a positive working environment where the department can pursue the public interest with focus and trust. By focusing on what is good, the common good improves the department's performance both on the inside and outside, making it more effective at serving and protecting the public in the sense of being interdependent.
Individualism’s Role and Limitations
Even though individualism encourages creativity and self-expression, it is limited in settings where teamwork is essential. Firefighters, for example, who value convenience over process might endanger the safety and effectiveness of the unit. Organizational behavior research hints that over-individualism causes team disconnection, lower morale, and lack of coordi...
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