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Write A 500 Word Account Of Your Experience Of The Event

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Write A 500 Word Account Of Your Experience Of The Event

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Write a 500 word account of your experience of the event, but written as if you were...
An alien from another planet who has never attended a poetry reading!
Just like the humans, aliens have talked and recorded their thoughts and spoken words express. The human beings may use beautiful uses words, but one needs to be aware about how poems, a shortened form of the lyric genre of the lyric, usually of brief and subjective. The poetic voices seem to focus on rhythm, but others are free flowing, but they are all written in short sentences.   The poet Manuel Paul López uses fragmented language and verses based on his experiences and comments on his observations about the society and his heritage (López, 2017).   It is even strange that there have been many poetry readings and López has participated in some of these events. I will highlight the experience and observation of alien from another planet who has never attended a poetry reading.
The poems were easier to understand when there were many participants elaborated on their understanding. Despite my knowledge of English it would have been a challenge to fully comprehend the work of López, who also mentions his Mexican heritage and experiences in the U.S.   As far as the lexicon is concerned, the participation of many contributors made it possible to understand the context of the poems and how López’s personal experience has influenced his chosen themes and writing style.  Poetry can be complicated as I discovered and even disjointed where there are hidden messages and the more...
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