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Analysis of Poems by Tai Manuel Lopez

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Analysis of Poems by Tai Manuel Lopez Name Institutional Affiliation Date
In the latest collection of poems called, These Days of Candy, Manuel Lopez takes the reader through the various instances that affect the lives of people in the society. The title of the collection itself reminds the reader about the current state of the society where people are seeking things that are sweet and they will not last forever. All the stories that are found in the book have been explained in a way that they contain jokes and anti-jokes, parables and anti-parables and various aspects that make the stories to be more interesting. For one to get the full understanding of the poems, you are required to have multiple readings of the poems. In the first poem, A Day of a Stenographer, Lopez explains the ways in which one spends their lives. He uses such lines such as ‘From 1-2.25pm, subscribe to hundreds of tabloids from around the world and cancel every one last of them the very next day’ .Most of the stanzas in the poem demonstrate the importance of human beings differentiating between a need and a want in our lives.
The poems written by Manuel Lopez and the ones written by Emily Dickinson show a relationship in that both of them show the different aspects in our lives and our approach to life. The poems are written from the perspectives of the poets. However, the poems composed by Dickinson are in the form of lyrics...
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