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Discuss the Idea of Metamorphosis Literature & Language Essay

Essay Instructions:

by considering one of the following word prompts in relation to one text from our reading list.

-nature (ecological conversions),

-time (the passage of time), -bodies (corporeal transformations, -feelings (changes of heart), -perception (changes of mind),

-knowledge (translations and adaptations)

Your essay should contain all of the FOLLOWING elements:

- a compelling thesis, -evidence of close reading, -relevant citations from the text, -careful consideration of language (images, metaphors, syntax, meter and rhyme if appropriate), -a sense of inquisitiveness, curiosity and thoughtful argument.

Books to choice from:

- The Love of the Nightingale by Timberlake Wertenbaker

- Fifteen Dogs by Andre Alexis

- Galatea by John Lyly

-Orlando by Virginia Woolf

-Bisclavret by Marie de France

Essay Sample Content Preview:

Metamorphosis: The Love of the Nightingale
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Metamorphosis: The love of the Nightingale
In a feminist twist, Timberlake Wertenbaker’s play ‘The love of the Nightingale’ brings to life the actions taken by oppressed women in their bid to achieve justice. Timberlake Wertenbaker depicts women the society as weak and susceptible to male domination, silencing, and possibly being taken advantage of. The author expresses initial naivety of women and their vulnerable position in the society when a father, King Pandion, agrees to marry his daughter Procne to a solder Tereus, despite her reluctance and opposition. In a dramatic turn of events, women take control of their predicaments by executing the gruesome range against a common enemy and embracing physical transformations that depict a decision to fight against injustice.
Philomele is initially painted as a naïve young woman who envies her older sister, Procne, who is getting married to Tereus. Procne expresses her fear and regret of leaving their home. The author portrays their closeness and their unwavering need to be close again, “Procne: I wish I didn’t have to leave home. I worry about you”, expressing her worry for Philomele (Wertenbaker 294). The naivety of Philomele is further displayed when she fails to notice Tereus’ advances while en route to Thrace. In his incessant inquisitive nature, Tereus asks Philomele, “would you marry a king from the north? Like your sister? Would you do as your sister in all things?” (Wertenbaker 313). Over time, Philomele is seen to understand the unfolding events. The advances of Tereus become clear to her. Phelomele understands soon understands her apparent danger when Tereus kills the Captain of the ship. Her naivety erodes, and she realizes that her sister Procne is alive and well. In her greatest weakness and vulnerability, Tereus rapes Philomele. Her determination to reach Procne and inform her of her predicaments forces Tereus to cut her tongue.
Timberlake Wertenbaker’s play exposes a societal weakness where injustices such as sexual assault and rape, sexual coercion and harassment and male dominance and chauvinism are prevalent. Tereus uses the death of Procne, his wife, to trick Philomele into accepting his sexual advances. Philomele understands that loving Tereus wife, even in her death, would be against the law. “It is still against the law,” affirms Philomele in her effort to dismiss the advances forth by Tereus (Wertenbaker 328). Philomele still regards Tereus as her brother, choosing to keep a respectable distance. Tereus expresses his intentions and sexual feelings towards Philomele when he declares his love for her (328). Philomele expresses her displeasure and discontentment in Tereus’ advances and declares, “I have no consent” (29). The author depicts the male entitlement and abuse of authority that makes Tereus kill the Captain and forcefully rapes Philomele.
The continued use of violence and sexual coercion by Tereus against the young virgin and his wife’s sister, Philomele takes a different perspective in life. The life she has experienced is different from the life she naively believed. Her earlier position saw Philomele posit that “life is sweet,...
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