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Romeo and Juliet: Film Evaluation and Peer Reviews

Essay Instructions:

Write two film evaluation peer reviews.

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Film Evaluation Peer Reviews
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Film Evaluation Peer Reviews
Article 1: Romeo and Juliet
Presentation of Subject
The writer does well to offer an introduction that sets the stage for what will happen in the rest of the paper. The first thing that the writer does is hook the reader to the article and then identify the film, the director of the film, and the release date. This bit is indeed clear.
The summary of the film is also sufficient enough for one to know the type of film. The writer talks about love and the direct correlation between the film and the issues of love. However, the setting of the movie is not clear because the writer uses the phrase ‘old days’ to let the reader know about the setting of the movie. This is insufficient as it leaves the reader with nothing regarding the setting of the movie.
The ending of the introduction is quite strong because the writer includes a three-part forecasting thesis statement which helps the reader to know the focus of the paper.
Supported Judgement
In the first body paragraph, the writer clearly explains how the movie shows the crazy things that people do while in love which is part one of the three-part thesis statement.
In the second paragraph, the writer also shows how arranged marriages in the ‘old days’ limited the choices of the young people when it came to matters of love.
The third paragraph is also well developed. The writer explains the third part of the thesis statement and shows how better communication would have helped change the movie’s ending.
It should be noted that the writer also makes use of examples in these paragraphs something that helps to show a connection between the points raised and the movie. Additionally, it is fair to say that the movie leans towards the focus of the movie which is love and its quest to conquer all that is on its path.
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