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National Language and Nation Unity

Essay Instructions:

To what extent do national languages foster national unity? Explain your answer with reference to specific case studies.

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National Language and Nation Unity
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A national language is a common language that is spoken by all ethnic groups in a certain country. National languages unite people. Similarly, people from different ethnic groups cannot unite if they cannot be able to understand one another; therefore it is important for a country to have a national language. In majority of the countries, leaning of the national language is nurtured at the primary level of education. Some of the students begin acquiring the language at a very young age. In countries like Thailand, Cambodia, Philippines, and Indonesia citizens are able to converse in national language with ease. National language has become a native language and has greatly helped in fostering national unity. National unity is achieved by honoring some of the unique identities of the diverse population in a country. When language and culture are upheld in a country, communities are upheld in the nation-state and are said to be proud and loyal members of a country. National languages are viewed as a vehicle of achieving all the set national goals. These national goals can be education, social economic development or even national identity. Communications cannot be at the end itself without having a language. Therefore national language plays an important role in fostering national unity.
The national language is important in national politics. Politicians conduct their political campaigns across different communities nation-wide through the use of the national Language. Posters and national politics forums are usually conducted using the national language so that citizen is able to understand the message and contribute their views without being biased. The national language is usually controversial because it affects the primary split in the politics of a country especially in different communities, for example in there is a primary split in the Canadian politics between French and English communities (Ndimele, 2016). Therefore it is very important for a country to educate some of these communities on language for a better understanding fit the national politics. The national language is used politically to promote social cohesion and a sense of nationals pride at large especially in those countries that are culturally diverse. For example in the United States there is a similar movement that seeks to pass a law that English is the sole official language in the U.S. National language gives a voice of nationalism and fosters recognition (López 2014). Additionally, just as the majority of other languages might be promoted to incorporate the minorities and foster nationalism. Minority languages might also be promoted to give a voice of sub-nationalism and foster recognition also.
National language promotes peace between different tribes. Many countries are made of the commemoration of different tribes, with different cultural values, beliefs, norms, and traditions that may tend to clash with others leading to violent conflicts. Therefore there is a need to rethink on some of the ways the country can offer negotiations, mediations, and arbitrations to resolve such conflicts o the community. Alternatives conflict resolution mechanisms such of use of community elders might be used but they do not solve the conflicts at all. Language is a major artifact of culture and a key identity of any community and people, the constitution stipulates that the government should promote and respect the diversity of languages of the people of a certain country. Additionally, the government is also supposed to explore some of the ways of utilizing language as a unifying factor among the people of that country. Therefore a national language is a unifying language in workplaces and public places as stipulated in the constitution. National language can be promoted through community affairs such a religious activities and community functions. A national language captivates the interest of appreciating other ethnic language and communities while upholding one language as a national language for all.
National Language enables a country to attain a cohesive society. It is very important for a county to construct an integrated citizenry whereby citizens have a sense of belonging among members of different groups across different regions in a country. National integration and cohesion is referred to the outcome and the process of instilling and assisting citizens to have a sense of belonging that they belong to the same community by engaging them in a common enterprise, facing equal challenges and opportunities. National Cohesion and Integration is achieved through a common language that these members can understand and communicate together. National integration and cohesion entail equity, unity freedom, democracy, peace, social justice and the rule of law. It is very difficult for citizens of a certain country remain peaceful and feel secure without embracing national language. In order to manage ethnic diversity, the government must apply a number of principles; the first principle is considering that language is a major factor of unity. The second principle is to appreciate different cultural practice that is used as the national identity if a country. National language ensures that there is the establishment of exchange programs across diverse groups, promotes inter-diversity tours, and promoting openness and dialogue between communities by discussing related problems and causes. Therefore the unifying factor and the medium of attaining these principles is the national language.
National Language is very important for immigrant’s communities. Immigrant’s communities who move to other country prefer an English national language or any language that is preferred by that certain country as a national language. For example, in Canada, Quebec’s immigrant’s community prefers English national language. Language education is a crucial process of integrating immigrant communities into society. Additionally, a national language assists this immigrant to get jobs. For example Immigrants in the United States who lack English language skills and United States Credentials might remain jobless for a long time. A national language is also very important to industrial marketing efforts between it helps these communities to link themselves between mass institutions ant the new ethnic neighborhoods. Through the national language, immigrants ar...
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