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The Bay of Pigs invasion of 1961

Essay Instructions:

What is the Bay of Pigs Invasion and how did it contribute to the development of Cuban nationalism? In your answer, analyze Castro’s speech using Williamson(the penguin history of Latin America) as a compliment.

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Bay of Pigs Invasion
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The Bay of Pigs invasion of 1961 holds vast historical significance for its impact on the Cuban Revolution and the resulting tension between the United States and, both Cuba and the Soviets that came about it CITATION Pet98 \l 1033 (Kornbluh, 1998). Designer to overthrow the new communist government led by Fidel Castro, the invasion is remembered as an epic fail that was evident in the Cuban military victory and solidifying the position of Castro as the embodiment of Cuban resistance against American imperialism. At the epicenter of all this was the Castro communist regime that had, barely three years before, overthrown the Batista dictatorship CITATION Pet98 \l 1033 (Kornbluh, 1998). At the time, most of Cuba’s sugar plantations and other assets had been American owned which and the coming into power of a communist government would without a doubt be a cause for concern for the United States (U.S). According to Kornbluh (1998), their worries would prove justified by Castro nationalized the US-dominated business within the Cuban boundaries partic...
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