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Students' Comments on Dealing with Difficult Clients

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There are 5 students 2 for 3-1 2 for 3-2 and 1 for 3-3 the questions are added please answer the student post. Sshley and Emily for 3-1 ashley and Emily for 3-2 and Ashley for 3-3 , no in taxt or citation or references

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Ashley seems to be happy about the topic and shares an experience that one of her clients once missed the last two groups. He was told about the consequences, but he still chose to leave. After some days, the same client came to Ashley and told her that he was feeling guilty for being unfair. Later on, he became active in the group.
According to Emily Re, dealing with difficult clients takes a lot of time and energy. The student sometimes feels bad, but she controls her reactions and emotions as she knows that reacting unprofessionally is out of context. One of her clients was skeptical of the therapy, but she continued reminding him that the therapy was needed to recover from the illness.
Student Ashley has been through tough times dealing with...
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