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Written Assignment. You will need to read and understand chapter 8

Essay Instructions:

It has to be 8-10 pages double spaced

Can you guys just do 4 pages instead I don’t need the 8

Written Assignment. You will need to read and understand chapter  8  well before submitting this assignment. See the example of a service blueprint provided in the course materials under content. Choose an organization and draw a blueprint.   Your blueprint should include: each phase  ( or stage )  is listed / depicted on the blueprint all  “ separation ”  lines included and labeled types of actions  ( customer actions, on - stage employee actions, etc. )  labeled along the left edge of the blueprint arrows to connect each action to indicate the order of activities and how they are connected to each other   In addition to the actual blueprint, write a paper  (8 - 10  pages, double - spaced )  that addresses the following issues  ( and includes appropriate associated two -  or three - word Headings ) : describe precisely what service ( s )  you blueprinted, the organization ’ s intended target market that is the basis of the blueprint, and the key benefit ( s )  these customers normally seek; briefly describe the various stages / phases of the service; describe what you believe to be the three key customer actions depicted in the blueprint  ( marked with a small reddotin the upper right corner of the action )  and discuss why each is critical to a good service experience; describe what you believe to be the three key employee actions  ( either on - stage or back - stage )  depicted in the blueprint  ( marked with a small blue dot in the upper right corner of the action )  and discuss why they are so critical to a successful service experience; describe the three most important support processes depicted in the blueprint  ( marked with a small greendot in the upper right corner of the action )  and discuss how they support other activities needed in providing a good service experience; describe the three key elements of physical evidence revealed in the blueprint  ( marked with a small golddot next to each element ) and discuss how they would influence the customer ’ s experience; identify, number, and describe three potential failpoints  ( points in the process where problems may occur )  or bottlenecks  ( points in the process where backups, queuing, or slow delivery may occur ) ; suggest possible solutions / alternatives to address these  ( potential )  problem areas; discuss one non - trivial decision  ( or option )  made by either a customer or an employee  ( depicted by a  “ diamond ”  in the blueprint )  and explain how the various resulting paths differ from each other; discuss a proposed innovation / addition  ( other than food service )  to the service delivery process that would create additional revenues to the service provider and why this innovation could be a success  ( all of the actions required for this innovation should be included in the blueprint, perhaps as a new phase, and should be marked with a small orange dot in the upper right corner of each action ) ; discuss what was learned in doing this assignment and how it could be applied in the business world. Be sure to cite and use references. Some examples of organizations that students completed this assignment on: •        a dentist office          a funeral home •        a bike company •        car wash •        family video business  •       enterprise rent - a - car •        a golf course •        an auto service company

Essay Sample Content Preview:

Service Blueprint for a Small Law Office

Your Name

Subject and section

Professor’s Name

October 30, 2024

Organization Description

This service blueprint evaluates a small law office that offers critical legal services such as advice, writing of legal documents, and representation in court. The office's primary audience involves persons who require the services of a lawyer on matters concerning marriage, succession, and companies' legal services. These clients mainly search for professional advice, expert help to prepare necessities at the correct time, and businesslike services. The law office will offer efficient, transparent, client-oriented legal services to meet these needs.

Company Blueprint, Structure, and Steps

The anatomy of the blueprint and stages is presented by the following map, which describes every stage of the client’s process and represents the relations with both observable and non-observable parts of the law office. These phases include:

1 First Point / Telephone Consultation

1 Customer Action: Clients first approach them through a phone call or filling out an online form to get an appointment.

2 Employee Action: A receptionist or paralegal usually schedules the appointment and reminds the client of the details.

3 Physical Evidence: Clients can notice branding on your office website or any document, such as emails, used to confirm an appointment.

2 Consultation and Needs Assessment

4 Customer Action: Customers come in with their facts and goals for the case and sit with an attorney for an initial interview.

5 Employee action: The attorney also completes an intake process in which the attorney gives initial guidance and a general overview of the feasibility of a legal action.

6 Physical Evidence: It has been found that physical aspects of the attorney’s office and related papers have a bearing on client impressions of professionalism.

3 Service Agreement and Retainer Payment

7 Customer Action: It becomes apparent to proceed once a service agreement has been signed and the first payment or a retainer has been made.

8 Employee Action: A paralegal writes the service agreement, and the accounting department handles the payment.

9 Physical Evidence: Such an agreement, safe payment platform, and receipt provided enhance the openness and professionalism of the business.

4 Pre-Trial Processing and Writing of Pleadings

10 Customer Action: The clients might be required to provide other supporting evidence per the lawyer's request to bring in the file.

Employee Action: Lawyers themselves, as well as other employees of a law firm, work in terms of preparing documents, conducting research, and compiling files of a case.

Support Processes: Those who care for the case should review documents and research case law, and data should be secure at this stage (Brown et al., 2021).

Physical Evidence: Through first- and second-level communication – email/phone, clients are informed on the status of draft documents and the case progress, creating confidence in the office's handling of the case.

5 Review and Signature

Customer Action: Clients sign finalized documents personally or through online signs and stamps.

Employee Action: The attorney must vet all documents to conform to legal requirements and ensure the truth prevails.

Physical Evidence: Tools for secure document transmission and final legal documents are the things that reflect profe

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