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Week 1 Paper

Essay Instructions:
Think about an unresolved (or unsatisfactorily resolved) conflict that could have benefited from mediation. This might be a conflict from your own experience, one that was experienced by someone you know, or even one from the news or literature. Considering what you have learned this week about different schools or types of mediation, as well as the role of a mediator, write a 2-3 page paper in which you provide: A brief summary of the dispute, focusing on the information or details needed for the reader to understand the basic conflict, and sufficient for you to support your ideas and conclusions. Explain how this situation might have benefited from facilitative mediation. Explain how this situation might have benefited from one of the other schools of mediation of your choice besides facilitative mediation. Please include in your analyses the role(s) of the mediator in guiding the parties through both a facilitative mediation and a mediation of the alternate school you selected. Which school of mediation - facilitative or the other school you selected - might have been more successful in resolving this dispute. Explain your answer in detail. Make sure your paper is properly organized with an introduction, a body, and a conclusion. Please consult the Rubric for expectations. Resources: Textbook: Chapter 2, The Mediation Process, Christopher W. Moore https://worldmediation(dot)org/role-of-mediator/ https://mediate(dot)com/styles-of-mediation-facilitative-evaluative-and-transformative-mediation/ https://scholarship(dot)law(dot)marquette(dot)edu/cgi/viewcontent.cgi?referer=&httpsredir=1&article=1398&context=mulr https://www(dot)mediate(dot)com/articles/zumeta.cfm https://www(dot)supremecourt(dot)ohio(dot)gov/sites/disputeResolution/conference/2020/agenda/A8/A8.pdf https://www(dot)courts(dot)ca(dot)gov/3074.htm (Note: The videos may not play, but this resource is useful for the text. Make sure to click the tabs for both ADR Types and ADR Benefits) I do not have the book for this class.
Essay Sample Content Preview:
Workplace Conflict and the Power of Mediation Your Name Subject and Section Professor’s Name Date A Case of a Conflict An example of such a conflict occurred in a marketing firm where Employees A and B work at a similar organizational level. The conflict arose when Employee A assumed a managerial position on the project since he felt that Employee B, who was assigned the managerial position of the project, was not correctly coordinating activities. This action made Employee B feel that his colleagues, especially Employee A, did not respect him, resulting in conflict. Mitigating Conflict Through Facilitative Mediation The permissive style of mediation, known as facilitative mediation, applies to this case since the stakeholders could have engaged in free and constructive discussions. In facilitative mediation, an individual called the facilitator oversees the talk between parties without addressing any decisions. The mediator's role would entail facilitating the understanding of Employee A's and Employee B's needs and concerns and finding out the common needs between those employees and the company. This approach would allow the parties to seek solutions independently and enhance their commitment to implementi...
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