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Writing Assignment 12: The Snowy Day

Essay Instructions:
Writing Assignment 12: The Snowy Day Some critics of The Snowy Day have pointed out that the only markers of race in the book are the color of Peter’s skin and perhaps the rendering of his hair, making race only a visual, surface-level trait. The whole social, political, and cultural significance of being black is left out of the story, and if Peter’s and his mother’s skin color were different, the rest of the book would be unaffected. On one hand, this choice by the author could be seen as illustrating a Utopian view of the world, where skin color does not matter. On the other hand, some argue the book overlooks the very real and often negative and painful effects of racial status on the lives of African Americans. After reading The Snowy Day, do you think it is positive or negative that Peter’s racial identity is not directly addressed or elaborated on in the book? What impact might this choice by the author have on different audiences (black, non-black, wealthy, poor, etc.) of the book? References: https://youtu(dot)be/QYWodTneq-Q
Essay Sample Content Preview:
The Snowy Day: A Debate on the Subject of Race Your name Subject and Section Professor’s name Date In Ezra Jack Keats’s “The Snowy Day," Peter is portrayed as a young black boy whose delight in playing in the snow is illustrated. Nevertheless, Peter's racial status has not been mentioned and has been the source of some controversy (Keats, 1967). Though such a narrative works for most people to relate to, they have potentially left out the real core issues of race, and doing so affects a diverse audience in a way. On the positive side, “The Snowy Day” is colored white, so it does not cater to race, which everybody loves joy, curiosity, and discovery when they grow up. Specifically, the story does not draw attention to the color of Peter's skin because, except for this earlier reference, Peter is an endearing unive...
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