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Write five poems, all of which must be revised. Literature & Language

Essay Instructions:

Project 3: Poetry Portfolio

Guidelines For Writing the Poetry Portfolio

For this assignment, write a total of five poems, all of which must be revised. Make sure to keep copies of your revisions as you will also submit the revisions as part of the final portfolio.

Take the revision in increments. Work on the project of the poem first. Create a new file for each draft. So, if the title of your poem is “Crazy,” make a file for Crazy1, Crazy2, Crazy3 and so on. You might find that you wanted to save something from Crazy3 and bring it into Crazy7. Sometimes we revise right past the best draft and have to go back.

Formatting Instructions

When your revisions are complete, copy and paste all of the drafts into one document. The final draft should appear first, and then the various rough drafts. You will need to do this with five different poems. Once you have added them all to one document, title that document with your name and the words poetry portfolio.

Use the checklist below to be sure you've applied all the techniques for  writing/revising your poems.

Poetry Portfolio Checklist

Use the following checklist to be sure you've applied all the techniques.

Is the story and situation clear? Is it strong enough to carry an entire poem?

Look at the sound work. How can you improve it?

Look at the line breaks. Are they working? Can they be improved?

Look at the form. Is the poem trying to achieve a particular form? Was it successful? Would it be better in another form or in free verse?

Does the diction and syntax match the poem?


Part One: Write 3 three Poems
Poem 1: First Kiss
To write about the erotic it is hardly necessary to write about an experience of sexual consummation. Instead, write a poem about your first kiss, or first date, an occasion of necking in the back of a car, or of touching someone’s arm or face. On the surface, it might entail no more than a conversation over coffee fraught with erotic invitation, eyes meeting across a table. Make sure your descriptions are full of accurate sensory details. Be sure not to fall into the trap of saying things in the way they have been said a million times before.

Poem 2: A Comic Love Poem
Write a comically erotic poem to someone you love, utilizing a fantasy or dream. Perhaps you dreamed you were hugging that person so hard or watching them with such pleasure that Make it the sort of poem that would delight the person it’s written about. If the spirit moves you, replace the element of lust with friendship or familial affection. Keep it short and playful.

Poem 3: A Passionate Love Poem
Try your hand at a love poem that deals with a passionate romance from your past. Do not tell the story in a strictly narrative way but use the details to evoke the situation, much as the Poet - Carolyn Forché does. Try for pace in your language, the sense of excitement, passion, breathlessness. Again, be sure to avoid the pedestrian: If there is a moon and crashing waves, make certain they’re not the generic moon and crashing waves of a million other romantic poems and songs. Try to choose details from the real world, working against the impulse to idealize and romanticize. Make the poem richly assonant so that it has a striking internal music.

Part Two: Provide feedback on poems.Discuss the devices, voice, density and intensity, imagery, idioms and dead metaphors, cliches and conceits you used in these 3 poems you wrote.

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Poetry Portfolio
A Day in the Life4_Revised
Chirp! My eyes open
Get up… get up. I mumble
I pile my pillows
Working in the fields
Back aching from hard labor
Food on the table
Stars shining brightly
Silent prayer is whispered
Darkness consumes me
A Day in the Life3_Revised
Birds chirping, eyes open
Get up. I say to myself
Blankets are folded
Work in the fields now
Back aching from hard labor
Put food on table
Stars shining brightly
Silent prayer is offered
Darkness all over
A Day in the Life2_Revised
I hear the birds sing
Get up I say to myself
Then I fold the sheets
Working in the fields
Back aching from hard labor
Food on the table
I gaze at the stars
As I offer a prayer
For the next harvest
A Day in the Life1_Revised<...
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