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Write 3 three Poems. Literature & Language Assignment.

Essay Instructions:

Part One: Write 3 three Poems ( Follow the attached)

Part Two: Provide feedback on the three poems.

Discuss the devices, voice, density and intensity, imagery, idioms and dead metaphors, cliches and conceits you used in these 3 poems you wrote.

Part One: Write 3 three Poems
Poem 1: First Kiss
To write about the erotic it is hardly necessary to write about an experience of sexual consummation. Instead, write a poem about your first kiss, or first date, an occasion of necking in the back of a car, or of touching someone’s arm or face. On the surface, it might entail no more than a conversation over coffee fraught with erotic invitation, eyes meeting across a table. Make sure your descriptions are full of accurate sensory details. Be sure not to fall into the trap of saying things in the way they have been said a million times before.

Poem 2: A Comic Love Poem
Write a comically erotic poem to someone you love, utilizing a fantasy or dream. Perhaps you dreamed you were hugging that person so hard or watching them with such pleasure that Make it the sort of poem that would delight the person it’s written about. If the spirit moves you, replace the element of lust with friendship or familial affection. Keep it short and playful.

Poem 3: A Passionate Love Poem
Try your hand at a love poem that deals with a passionate romance from your past. Do not tell the story in a strictly narrative way but use the details to evoke the situation, much as the Poet - Carolyn Forché does. Try for pace in your language, the sense of excitement, passion, breathlessness. Again, be sure to avoid the pedestrian: If there is a moon and crashing waves, make certain they’re not the generic moon and crashing waves of a million other romantic poems and songs. Try to choose details from the real world, working against the impulse to idealize and romanticize. Make the poem richly assonant so that it has a striking internal music.

Part Two: Provide feedback on poems.
Discuss the devices, voice, density and intensity, imagery, idioms and dead metaphors, cliches and conceits you used in these 3 poems you wrote.

Essay Sample Content Preview:

Three Poems
Student’s Name
Institutional Affiliation
Course Name and Number
Professor’s Name
Assignment Due Date
Three Poems
Part 1
First Kiss
Hidden away from the light
The need not to see but to touch
This other being that is so beautiful and lush
With the sharpness of mind
Comes the faintest of words
Still enough to ignite the bond that is us
The warmth and softness of it is a feel
Like the sight of the smoothness of an eel
The sudden change of pace makes it real
And the pullback makes it surreal
And the end with the touch, taste, and feel
Is coupled with a couple of more still
A Comic Love Poem
A good distance is all it takes
For a few meters away makes me wide awake
The tension is hard to break
And all the nights are spent awake
Good money spent on pedals

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