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Communication. Response Paper to Connected, But Alone?

Essay Instructions:

 Pick any of the topics. Be sure to include plagiarism report, thank you.


Choose one of the topics bellow for your paper assignment.

The paper can be response paper, research paper, or comparative essay (MLA, 12 pt. font, double spaced, correctly sourced if applicable)

Factors affecting Interpersonal communication 

How culture affects intercultural communication 

How gender affects communication

What roles do communication medium play in interpersonal communication

Connected but alone 

Social media and its effect on nonverbal communication

Misinformation in the media

Individually crafted topic (please consult with me before you start writing)

TED Talk on communication (various topics) 

Film (Babel 2006 – illustration of communication, miscommunication, and non-communication) 


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Response Paper to “Connected, But Alone?”
In the TED talk of Sherry Terkle, PhD., a known psychologist who is very much involved in the digital culture nowadays, shares her thoughts about mobile phones and the connectedness that it brings to each one of us. In just a span of a few minutes, she described how we are behaving as human beings in this era of technological advancements. We are all aware of the benefits and convenience that is brought to us by technology, specifically our smartphones. This is a fact that is emphasized a couple of times by Sherry Terkle during her TED talk, but alongside these identified benefits are some vital issues that she believes we all need to question and reflect upon.
This technological advancement, namely the mobile phone, has already taken its hold on humanity. We have already integrated this technology into our daily lives, even up to the extent of feeling incomplete when we do not have it with us. As Sherry Terkle mentioned, in this age, it is not about Rene Descartes’ famous line “I think therefore I am” but all about “I share therefore I am.” It is understandable and also expected that technology would change what people do and how people do things, but mobile phones do not only change these because it also changes who we are. It changes us as people in a holistic manner and not in a good way. We become so engrossed with the connectedness that mobile phones bring because it defies distance, and we have the control to reach out to multiple people at any time that we please, but this kind of connection robs humanity its ability to learn about isolation, which in turn affects our ability to self-reflect.
By using widespread and relatable examples, Sherry Terkle describes the absurdity of how we are living our lives and how massive the effect of this pocket-size object is. This can be observed everywhere. The interaction of people from different age groups is all changed by how people cannot choose not to disconnect from their mobile phones for this sought-after “connection” with other people. This term is called the “Goldilocks Effect,” where people crave being close to other people. They want it not too close, but also not too far, just in moderation. However, the problem identified with this is that conversations are being sacrificed for that connection. Sherry Terkle mentioned t...
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