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Is Telling Lies Good or Bad?

Essay Instructions:

Should people need always tell the truth?

What I choose is should not always tell the truth, need to find some online information in it.

When your friend asks you something when they are happy or unhappy, you know that if you tell the truth you will hurt them all by telling lies.

If you keep telling the truth at work, you may not be liked by your superiors and, worst of all, you may lose your job.

3. If your parents are not around, every time your parents ask you how you are doing, even if you are doing badly, you will lie because you don't want to make your parents worry.

Put quotes or information collected online at the end.

thank you

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Telling Lies
People often lie with almost half the population of the world tell lies at least per day. The lies have little nature and serve the communication leading to drastic consequences. Thus, lying entails a complicated behavior that needs the breaking of the norms, and rules of interaction. The liar has to decide not to tell the truth due to many reasons. Moreover, people tell lies to hurt others, for jokes to have fun, protect the person speaking the falsehood. Lies or making a false and in intentional statements constitute lies. Furthermore, people tell lies to avoid hurting others and for the escape of punishment. The essay herein is set to discuss whether telling lies is good or bad. The text will further ascertain where it is justifiable to lie.
Lies are part of everybody's life, and people tell lies for different reasons. Some people are habitual liars who are unwilling to speak their truth. Lies make people happy as lies keep people enjoy their days for all that they are worth. Thus, lies do not harm the relationships of people compared to the truth. The lies pull people down due to the circumstance of which the truth would otherwise hamper the relations. Besides, people tell lies out of compulsion as they have the habit of lying. Thus, such people will tell lies even if the truth is obvious. Such chronic liars tell lies since the behavior is in their nature, but they have no intention of harming another person (Chambers para 3).
Teenagers make lies to please their peers and make them feel appreciated and to avoid the impending conflicts or punishment at home and at work. For example, a friend buys a teenage a present such as expensive shoes and asks the teenage to look good on the shoe. However, the teenage might not like the shoes because they are ugly or do not match his or her taste and preferences. Nevertheless, the teenager will respond that the shoe is nice on him for the sake of not hurting the friend. In most cases, telling the truth leads to a conflict of pupils with their teachers or parents (Chambers para 7). Thus, the students always tell lies to avoid unnecessary facing punishment for a mistake. Such lies to avoid punishment enable student to be relieved from the heavy burden of telling the truth as it leads to self-implications and development of conflicts.
Moreover, teenagers fear revelation of truth to stop their parents from worrying about their lives. Parents usually get worried when they feel that their children live in poor state or have bad times. For example, a teenage or a person might go to work or out alone and feels very bad and lonely. However, the person would respond to be feeling very well to the parent who asks ...
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