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Exploring Difference in Film and Fiction by Heidi Kaye and IQ Hunter

Essay Instructions:

Part I of the Take-Home exam is a critical reflection similar to the previous weeks in Unit 2, however it will be worth 6 points and you must answer at least one of the prompts, using at least 2 quotes from the assigned text(s). The word count minimum is 300-350 words (however there is no maximum if you need more space to answer). There is also a possibility for an extra credit point if you answer the extra credit question in reference to the optional reading posted in the assigned reading for Dec 5.


“Alien Identities: Exploring Difference in Film and Fiction” by Heidi Kaye and IQ Hunter

The extraterrestrial alien has been a popular image in film since the 1950s. Many scholars have written about the various ways that the images of aliens can be interpreted to reflect various human social concerns. In the introduction chapter, the authors write about various approaches throughout the book and say that there are two ways that the book looks at aliens. What are these two ways? Why are extraterrestrials an interesting way to make commentary about human social issues? Pick one or two passages from the rest of the chapter (p. 4-8) and relate it to one or two of the previously assigned texts or films watched in Unit 2.

How has the image of aliens in films changed over time according to the authors? What might this imply about current cultural attitudes? And what do the authors say in the end of the chapter that films about extraterrestrial aliens are ultimately about?

“District 9, race and neoliberalism in post-apartheid Johannesburg” by Keith Wagner

How does neoliberalism and unemployment fit into the discussion of District 9 in the article?

The obvious reading of the film District 9 would be to see it only as a metaphor for the racial socio-economic conditions of Apartheid in South Africa. However, the author says that the director of District 9, Neill Blomkamp, makes other things visible as well. What are some of the other things that the author says the film District 9 makes visible? And who do the aliens represent?

Pick two passages from the text and talk about how the situation of the extraterrestrial aliens in District 9 (as described by the author), relates to any of the other assigned readings or films watched during this course.

EXTRA CREDIT Question (1 point extra): “The State of Exception” - Optional Reading

What is philosopher Giorgio Agamben’s concept of the “State of Exception”? How might an ‘encampment’ for aliens be understood as a State of Exception?

[Note: the lecture slides from each week and list of films screened has been posted under "Unit 2- Lecture Slides & Film Info" for review/reference if needed]

Essay Sample Content Preview:

According to Peter Hutchings, there are two notions when it comes to aliens and two political response to the same. Hutchings and other contributors to the book look at the alien in two ways that is foreign and non-human and reactions to it. He observes that this can demonstrate both anxieties about us and us fearing them. He likens the idea with a killer virus that is from outside the boundaries and acts as a threat to people in their surroundings.
Reconstructing identity in the society can change the way a society looks at itself and other. Using extraterrestrials to make commentary about human social issues is interesting because as humans alien identities are all we have, as we are also strangers to ourselves. As the name suggests extraterrestrials can be defined as otherness, the concept of aliens is based on boundary and difference. Humans define themselves by defining another, as "we are what we are not."
The war of the worlds, the time machine (wells) and Burton's films all have a common observation that human beings greatest threat is themselves. According to Hedgecock both Burton and Wells show how human civilization has degenerated evolutionary and technologically turning people to become passive collective and survival for the fittest becomes their norm.
The image of the alien has over time changed; this is because the image of the alien is usually the one that we carry inside ourselves. Humans have the tendency of segregating, categorizing, and externalizing the alien trying to control it. This does not only show how insecure we are with our selves but also how uni...
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