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Income Inequality On Textbook Thinking Critically Technology

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Income inequality
Institutional Affiliation
Critics argue that the only way of fixing income inequality is having the have-nots become the do-something. It is understandable why the opposition claims this, as poverty and dysfunction are the issues that affect people and only the establishment of stable institutions would ensure they become free and productive as opposed to redistributing resources from the wealthy. Though this is a valid argument, recent research demonstrates that provision of affordable, accessible and quality education would ease the escalating problem of income inequality. In “How to solve income inequality,” writer John Divine points out that an educated country translates to a competent, skilled and a wealthy country, as education is the key tool the poor people in the country can use to climb the middle-class level and stay there (Divine, 2017, Feb 14). What this means is that by 2025, sixty-five percent of jobs will necessitate an employee to have some basic post-high school training thus, encouraging people to invest in a college education is paramount. An example, John Powel, the director of Haas Institute, in “Six policies to reduce economic inequality,” asserts that investing in education is paramount. The disparities in early education received, and the quality of school one attends primarily contributes to the unrelenting inequality from one generation from the other (Powel, 2018). Investing in education starts during early childhood learning where schools implement programs such as Head Start, which promotes economic mobility, productivity, and decreasing income inequality. It is to say, if more people suffering income inequality strived to invest in the formative years of their children’s education, students would perform...
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