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Solutions to Resolving the Problem of Smoking Language Essay

Essay Instructions:

This is a group project in which we are choosing a health problem in our zip code 10459 BRONX, NEW YORK.The health problem was chosen by the group is SMOKING.My part is to answer question 5 below based on smoking.I am going to upload the syllabus and it starts from page 6 where it says community project including the rubrics.My part is ONLY QUESTION 5 but on smoking in the ZIPCODE 10459.The whole syllabus will give you the idea of which questions others are answering on and the rubrics.Please let me know if you have any questions.Thank you


5. What would you propose as solutions to resolving the health problem (SMOKING)? Discuss the role/responsibility of each of the following in the resolution of the problem: the government, families, individuals, health systems, and educational facilities. 20%

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Solutions to Resolving the Problem of Smoking
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Solutions to Resolving the Problem of Smoking
Smoking is among the prevalent causes of death worldwide. The incident varies from one country to another. Some countries have managed to address the issue by introducing workable promotional initiatives to combat and decline tobacco consumption (Golechha, 2016). Resolving the health problem requires a collaborative effort between the government, families, individuals, health systems, and educational facilities. Many control policies include taxes, peer educational programs, health warnings against the use of the products, bans, and community mobilization.
For the past few years, there has been a dramatic change in tobacco consumption attitude, resulting in a decline in lung cancer incidences. Health experts believe that public policy has played a pivotal role in accelerating the transition. Despite the laudable control strategies in various nations, the number of deaths continues to rise daily. Therefore, the government needs to adopt a comprehensive solution to reduce smoking rates. The approach should include a wide range of restricting smoking in public settings and work environments, imposing a ban on tobacco advertising, conducting health education campaigns to warn against the products while discouraging their consumption (Sandford, 2003). More importantly, the government can form treaties with other countries on tobacco control and learn from them to help minimize smoking.
Indeed, smoking tends to start in adolescence. Apart from acting as role models by avoiding such behaviors, families more so the parents should maintain open communication with their children. High connectedness serves as an ideal platform to discuss health risks associated with smoking (Carver et al., 2017). Assertively, parent-child connectedness, and communication contribute significantly to reducing substance abuse, including smoking, especially among adolescents.
Some individual efforts in resolving the problem of smoking begin with developing positive thoughts. Deciding that one is ready to stop consuming tobacco and other substances is a significant step in solving the underlying health problem. After deciding, they should plan to quit the habit and stick to it. Besides, they can c...
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