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Professional Email Message About Communication Issue

Essay Instructions:

Scenario 2

Amber, Savannah, and Stephen work for Knowledge, Inc., a consulting firm. While on a conference call with Tim Rice Photography, an established client, the group discusses potential problems with a marketing campaign. Tim Rice, the lead photographer, and owner insist the marketing is working and changes are not needed.

Amber reaches over to put Tim on mute but inadvertently pushes the wrong button. She immediately says to Savannah and Stephen that the marketing campaign is not working and that “Tim should stick to taking pretty pictures.” Tim responds, “You know I can hear you, right?”


Write a professional email message(in the form of Figure 5.1 on page 84 of BCOM) from the perspective of a character in the scenario. The email should be addressed to another character regarding the communication issue provided in the scenario.


>Address the communication issue from the scenario.

>Request a face-to-face meeting to discuss the issue at a specific time.

>Concentrate on the facts of the situation and avoid using overly emotional language.

>Assume your recipient is learning about the situation for the first time through your communication.


>Use a descriptive subject line or heading.

>Include an appropriate and professional greeting or salutation.

>Use email form including To:, From:, Subject:, and Signature.

Essay Sample Content Preview:
To: Tim Rice [TimRice@gmail.com]
From: Knowledge Inc. [Knowledge.inc@gmail.com]
Subject: Requesting face to face meeting to solve the communication issue
Dear Tim,
The consulting firm is aware of one of our members' unprofessional acts, which causes a communication issue. In the last meeting, one of our members, Ms. Amber, tried to mute you and unknowingly pressed the wrong button and said these words, "Tim should stick to taking pretty pictures," which you clearly hear and causes the communication issue.
With these problems, the consulting firm would like to request a face-to-face meeting with you and the team to discuss the last meeting's communication issue. The firm knows that this unprofessional act should not be tolerated and...
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