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The Clickbait – Media and Ethical Standards Language Essay

Essay Instructions:

M2D2: Topic for the Final Paper

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The word “ethics” is written in blue with other words associated with ethics.It is important to begin thinking about the final paper so that you are prepared for the final assignment. The first step is to identify your topic. This activity aligns with module outcome 2.

Please answer both questions:

Discuss your topic in terms of ethical communication in one of the three broad areas of communications, which are interpersonal, organizational, or public/media.

Discuss one theoretical ethical approach that you plan to include in your final paper such as universalism, utilitarianism, Divine command, or ethical relativism.

Suggested Resources

Thinking about your assignment (Links to an external site.)

Developing Ideas (Links to an external site.)

Narrowing a Topic (Links to an external site.)

Finding Topics (Links to an external site.)


This discussion will be graded using the discussion board rubric. Please review this rubric, located on the Rubrics page within the Start Here module of the course, prior to beginning your work to ensure your participation meets the criteria in place for this discussion. All discussions combined are worth 25% of your final course grade.

Just a note for anyone who is planning on using Utilitarianism as your ethical theory – please remember that there are three main criticisms of utilitarianism: 1) "calculating utility is an unfeeling approach to ethics that devalues the individual" (Tompkins, 2019, p.137). 2) Utilitarianism "can become a means for rationalizing uncritical exercise of power at the expense of individuals or a minority" (p.138). And 3) "it is impractical because it obligates you to sacrifice your individual self-interest repeatedly for others" (p.139).

It's certainly fine for you to use it and it has many appropriate applications, but just try to think about and address these criticisms in your paper.

Dr. B


Tompkins, P. (2019). Practicing communication ethics: Development, discernment, and decision making. NY: Routledge.

Essay Sample Content Preview:

The Clickbait – Media and Ethical Standards
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January 21, 2021
Ethical violations in media reporting are perhaps one of the most debated topics ever since print media's inception. In most cases, these debates revolve around the propriety of the manner, matter, and medium used during the reporting process. Accordingly, most would say a thin line delineates between what is ethical or not in media reporting. This is more particularly true for the use of 'clickbait' headlines that entice the reader to click on a particular piece of news and read it further, regardless of whether the headline fully and accurately represents the news's whole context.
Thus, in this paper, the author would like to study the ethics behind the use of 'clickbait headlines' using the theory of utilitarianism. On the one hand, the utilitarian theory would posit that using these kinds of headlines is necessary given that media organizations would have to run on profit to survive CITATION Dod16 \l 1033 (Dodson, 2016). Without the ability to generate profit, these organizations cannot be unable to op...
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