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Topic Argue whether critical thinking is necessary across the world and whether it should be taught in Australian universities.

Essay Instructions:


Link: https://www(dot)griffithcollege(dot)edu(dot)au/study-options/

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All sources have from the “griffith library databases ” in “study toolbox” in “my courses ”


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Plz check the week7 to week 10 ppt of academic communication skills2

Essay Sample Content Preview:

Critical Thinking: An Analysis
Institutional Affiliation
Critical Thinking
In 1910, John Dewey introduced critical thinking as an educational goal identifying with a scientific mind attitude. It is the analysis of an issue using facts, evidence, and data related to a situation. Critical thinking is done without influence from personal feelings and opinions about an issue. Careers and businesses require critical thinking skills to run smoothly, tackle existing problems, develop solutions, and create innovations (Elder & Paul, 2020). The management of an enterprise is improved using critical thinking skills in making decisions. For example, if a conflict occurs in the workplace, people think to comprehend the conflict's nature and the right actions. When students learn critical thinking skills, they can comprehend and think through different challenges without experiencing problems. Therefore, critical thinking is necessary across the world and taught to Australian universities because of the many benefits.
First, critical thinking allows students to make logical and informed decisions. When equipped with these skills, they can choose their careers and make better personal growth decisions (Paul & Elder, 2019). Critical thinking improves cognitive skills that make students better thinkers, making them tackle problems professionally. It allows them to think rationally. Brain development and creativity are also enhanced through critical thinking skills because the ability to reason is improved. Careers require candidates with the ability to evaluate situations using logical thoughts and offer the best solution. Critical thinking encourages curiosity that helps students better understand their surroundings and things that matter to them. Effective critical thinkers are always curious about a wider range of topics they are interested in. They have a curious mind concerning people and the world, including the cultures, beliefs, and views within the community. Critical thinkers are lifetime learners, as they are always concerned and interested in developing new perspectives about life. They always see opportunities requiring them to apply critical thinking skills. In case of emergencies, they develop constructive arguments or solutions that lead to better outcomes. Critical thinkers always ask questions and exploring different perspectives of an issue. This makes the students possess essential abilities to navigate through life even when they are faced with difficulties. With these skills, they can engage in research and make improvements in different disciplines of knowledge (Snyder & Snyder, 2008).
Another important benefit of critical thinking is enhancing creativity in students. They help the students excel in outdoor and co-curriculum activities. After school, students with critical thinking abilities excel in businesses as they create attractive advertisements. This enhances revenue...
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