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Literature & Language Essay: William Whewell and the Cosmic Calendar

Essay Instructions:

1 William Whewell and the Cosmic Calendar

In discussing William Whewell’s point of view, we saw the inception of a theory which came to be known as the Rare-Earth hypothesis. In making his case, Whewell argued that for the majority of its life, the earth has been lifeless and he reasoned that wastage in nature is not a rare phenomenon and thus the teleological arguments made in favour of the existence of extraterrestrial life were flawed. In this homework, we will see the modern concept of “Cosmic Calendar” which at least partly testifies to the veracity of Whewell’s claim. As you already know, the universe is roughly 14 billion years old. We can imagine that this time span is compressed into a year. In this Cosmic Calendar, each month roughly represents 1 billion years, each day is 40 million years and each second is more than 400 years. The big bang occurs at the first instant of January 1st and now is the stroke of midnight on December 31st. Study the image in the next page carefully and answer the questions that follow. Please note that you will need to change the given dates to how many years after the big bang. For instance, if an event happened 1 month after the big bang on February 1st, then it happened about a 12.5 billion years ago.


Figure 1: The Cosmic Calendar (source:wikimedia.org)

1. According to the Cosmic Calendar, when did our Milky Way galaxy form (try to estimate this to the best of your ability)?

2. According to the Cosmic Calendar, when was our Solar system born?

3. When did life first start on Earth?

4. When did Photosynthesis start?

5. When did the first multi-cellular organisms appear?

6. When did the land plants appear?

7. When did the first amphibians appear?

8. When did the dinosaurs appear?


9. When did the dinosaurs get extinct?

10. When was the last time Humans and other apes shared a common ancestor?

11. When did humans start to walk upright?

12. When did the modern human evolve?

13. When did humans permanently settled?

14. When was Christ born?

15. How long ago did Galileo use a telescope to look at the heavens (hint: this happened in 1609, roughly 400 years ago)?

16. How long ago was the Pioneer plaque (1972) launched into space?


17. How long is the entire human civilization?

18. How does the length of time during which animals and plants have lived com- pare to the length of time during which life has existed?

19. How does the length of time during which humans have existed compare to the length of time since mammals and dinosaurs first arose (find the ratio of the time spans)?

20. For how long after its formation, the Earth did not possess intelligent life? How does this appearance of intelligent life compares to the age of Earth?

21. Having studied the Cosmic Calendar, do you agree or disagree with William Whewell’s argument? Describe your position in a paragraph (in doing so, you


need to review Whewell’s argument and the teleological arguments which he criticized).

Essay Sample Content Preview:

Cosmic Calendar
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Cosmic calendar
1 According to the Cosmic Calendar, when did our Milky Way galaxy form (try to estimate this to the best of your ability)?
The milky way galaxy was formed approximately 14 billion years ago. The galaxy is made up of stars, dust, and gases from the center of the galaxy. It has an estimated diameter of 100000 light-years.
2 According to the Cosmic Calendar, when was our Solar system born?
According to the cosmic calendar, the solar system was formed 11 billion years ago of 15th march. But it is argued that it was until September when the solar system entirely developed.
3 When did life first start on Earth?
The first life to start on earth were fossilized microorganisms which were found on the hydrothermal vent precipitates. The earliest form of life was first discovered about 4.5 billion years ago. It was not shortly before the formation of oceans and after the formation of the earth which is about 4.54 billion years ago
4 When did Photosynthesis start?
The photosynthetic organisms existed between the ages of 3.2 to 3.5 billion years ago. Its inception was characterized by stromatolites, layered structures which were similar to modern cyanobacteria.
5. When did the first multi-cellular organisms appear?
Studies have shown that multicellular life forms appeared on Earth one billion years earlier than it was documented. The macroscopic multicellular life was initially dated 600 million years, however, some new fossils suggested that the centimeter- long multicellular organism were still existing 1.56 years ago.
6. When did the land plants appear?
Many analyses have held that the first plants appeared on earth 500 million years ago during the Cambrian period. This was after the development of multicellular species, which also took off around the same time.
7. When did the first amphibians appear?
The Amphibians are the first vertebrates with limbs, which enabled them to leave the water and stay on the dry land. They have a wide variety of living strategies, making it possible for them to remain in terrestrial and freshwater bodies. The amphibians also include the reptiles, birds, and other mammals from the superclass of Tetrapoda. These tetrapod’s appeared around 395 million years ago at a time when we had the Devonian period.
8. When did the dinosaurs appear?
The study of dinosaurs begun in the 1820s when scientists found borne of a large land reptile which was buried in the English countryside. The reptiles were members of a subclass of other big reptiles known as the archosaurs, which existed during the middle to late Triassic period. This happened some 230 million years ago. During the early Jurassic period, these animals experienced significant changes when the world started to break down into the continent, which affected their existence. As a result, the dinosaurs disappeared mysteriously around 65 million years ago during the cretaceous era.
9. When did the dinosaurs get extinct?
The emergence of dinosaurs happened when the world was still intact, which is also known as the Pangea. However, during the Jurassic period, when the world started to break into continents, the animals were greatly affected, and they disappeared mysteriously 65 million years ago during the cretaceous period. The climatic and geological changes that happened during the Jurassic period caused a lot of food scarcity for these animals, and they eventually died.
10. When was the last time Humans and other apes shared a common ancestor?
The time humans and other apes shared a common ancestor was 7 million years ago. This was after an ape skull was discovered in Kenya in 2014, which showed that the 13-million-year-old skull belonged to an animal fed on fruit and was slow to climb (History.com Editors).
11. When did humans start to walk upright?
The early human was not able to walk upright; he combined crawling as well as walking. He climbed trees and walked on the ground; this helped them survive the forest covers and extended grass cover. Over 6 to 3 million years ago, they were able to move like an ape as well as human beings. They became dominant in walking than climbing trees, ...
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