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Writing Task : Assessment of Language

Essay Instructions:

In the following writing task, you will be assessing the language used in an article for its emotional appeals. Please pay special attention to loaded language, personal stories, tone, and ad hominem fallacies. Click on the files to access the reading and instructions for this assignment.

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Assessment of Language
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Assessment of Language
Michael Coren makes a compelling argument about Twitter's use of hatred to promote its popularity and commercial success. In the article, Coren uses loaded language, an attacking tone, and personal stories. Coren makes more than ten references to the words hate and hatred in the use of loaded language. His article's theme is hatred, how users exercise it, and how it is tolerated and encouraged by Twitter. Therefore, he repeatedly uses the words hate and hatred to try to get the reader to side with him. What Twitter is doing is wrong. However, Coren wants to make sure that this sticks to the reader's brain by repeating the two words repeatedly.
Regarding his tone, Coren is visibly attacking Twitter and Twitter users for how they re...
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