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Week 6 True Self Assignment
Essay Instructions:
For this assignment, you will create a mask that represents the person you show people on the outside, and the other side represents how you truly feel on the inside. This activity will allow you to see the benefits of being transparent, and better understand why some people are not as open. Additionally, you will submit a one to two-page reflection on your thoughts and feelings during this assignment. Please review the video above that explains this assignment.
You should dig deep into the rationale for why you work to portray yourself in a certain perspective. You can either create a hard copy version on paper and upload an image(s), or you can use an application like Word or PowerPoint to create your mask. The choice is yours and I encourage you to be creative.
Reflection Rubric
Reflection Rubric
Criteria Ratings Pts
This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomePreparation
25 to >23.0 pts
Reflection entry shows evidence of thorough preparation through reading or reflection. Author speaks as one who has knowledge to share.
23 to >20.75 pts
Reflection entry shows evidence of preparation through reading or reflection. Author speaks as one who has knowledge to share.
20.75 to >18.75 pts
Reflection entry shows some evidence of preparation through reading or reflection. Author demonstrates some knowledge applicable to prompt.
18.75 to >16.25 pts
Reflection entry shows little evidence of preparation through reading or reflection.
16.25 to >0 pts
Reflection entry shows no evidence of preparation through reading or reflection.
25 pts
This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeQuality of content
25 to >23.0 pts
Reflection entry contains substantial information for reader. The entry addresses the focus question(s) completely.
23 to >20.75 pts
Reflection entry contains substantial information for reader. The entry addresses the focus question(s).
20.75 to >18.75 pts
Reflection entry contains some relevant information for reader. The entry addresses the focus question(s).
18.75 to >16.25 pts
Reflection entry contains minimal information for reader. The entry addresses the focus question(s) weakly.
16.25 to >0 pts
Reflection entry contains minimal information for reader. The entry does not address the focus question(s).
25 pts
This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomePersonal reflection
25 to >23.0 pts
Reflection entry conveys extensive evidence of a personal response to the focus question(s); demonstrates the author's growth through reflection on learning.
23 to >20.75 pts
Reflection entry conveys evidence of a personal response to the focus question(s); demonstrates the author is capable of reflecting on learning.
20.75 to >18.75 pts
Reflection entry conveys evidence of a personal response to the focus question(s) with a few gaps in clarity; demonstrates the author is capable of some reflection on learning.
18.75 to >16.25 pts
Reflection entry conveys little evidence of a personal response to the focus question(s).
16.25 to >0 pts
Reflection entry shows no personal response to the focus question(s).
25 pts
This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeConventions
25 to >23.0 pts
Reflection entry shows few, if any errors in standard written English that do not interfered with understanding.
23 to >20.75 pts
Reflection entry may have some errors in standard written English that rarely interfere with understanding.
20.75 to >18.75 pts
Reflection entry has a few errors in standard written English that may interfere with understanding.
18.75 to >16.25 pts
Reflection entry has several kinds of errors in standard written English that interfere with understanding.
16.25 to >0 pts
Reflection entry has frequent and severe errors in standard written English that interfere with understanding.
25 pts
Total Points: 100
Essay Sample Content Preview:
Week 6 True Self Assignment
Student’s Name
Course Code: Course Name
Professor’s Name
Submission Date
Mask Representing My Outside Self
The outside of my mask is the positive impression that I maintain so that other people can see a strong, confident, and calm individual who is on top of everything. According to Bailey et al. (2020), most people have the desire to present idealistic images of themselves to the public. Given that I prefer to remain positive in all my daily activities, my clothing and interactions display positive vibes. I am very punctual in accomplishing any duties that I take on. Moreover, a big smile on my face portrays me as happy and welcoming. This has been my signature look, and my allies would mimic my jovial nature when criticizing each other as a group. Furthermore, my voluntary tasks and workplace recognize me as a strong, authoritative, and intelligent colleague. Maintaining these three attributes all the days of t...
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