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Week 1 essay

Essay Instructions:
back ground about me -24 years -female -Asian -Chinese -Han nationality
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Week 1 Essay Student Name University Course Name of Professor Date Age (24 Years) Age refers to the period or years someone has spent since birth and it is often categorized into infancy, childhood, adolescence, adulthood and old age. Each age group has characteristics of roles and expectations that society has for individuals. At the age of 24, I am at adulthood, and I am expected to make significant steps in becoming independent, explore personal development opportunities, and transition into adulthood fully. My milestones are completing my education, seeking professional connections in the job market, forming meaningful relationships, and gaining independence (Cepa & Furstenberg, 2021). This age has given me a sense of optimism and idealism about the world because I can see that my future will be bright. Race (Asian) Race is a social construct that groups individuals based on facial features, hair texture, and skin color. As an Asian, I identify with my fellow Asians because of their shared cultural heritage, ancestry, and experiences. I spent my childhood and adolescence in an Asian society, and I strongly identify with their cultural traditions, language, and values. Identifying with the Asian social group has exposed me to challenges and opportunities. Experiences of discrimination, stereotyping, and marginalization have affected my life either directly or indirectly (Leigh et al., 2022). My Asian roots have also influenced my strong connections with family, community, and cultural values. I value culturally sensitive language in all my social interactions. Gender (Female) Gender refers to the social and cultural roles, behaviors, and attributes that society associates with being male or female. Female gender is determined by XX sex chromosomes and reprod...
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