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Chapter Seven/Eight Essay: Audience and Effects in Eighth Grade

Essay Instructions:
The film Eighth Grade displays a measured ambivalence towards digital media. Throughout the film, Kayla’s compulsion to make and upload YouTube videos for a nonexistent audience is perceived to be an important key to understanding her unhappiness. And yet, after the climax of the movie, Kayla is still making videos. For this essay, you are to explore Kayla’s YouTube video habit. Using the concept of “uses and gratifications,” consider what Kayla gets out of making her videos and the following questions: • How would you characterize the type of content Kayla produces? • How would you characterize her audience, intended and/or unintended? • What purpose would Kayla’s audience have for these videos? Does it matter that there is no audience? • Is there an unintended effect from their production for Kayla? For you? To answer these questions, refer to Chapter Seven and Eight of the eText, “Audience” and “Effects.” Using the University’s library search engine, find and use two articles relating to the topics of “social media use and self-esteem in adolescent girls.” This is an essay reflection, which means you are using the material from your sources to infer and theorize as to why a character behaves a certain way. There is no perfectly correct or incorrect answer, just the most reasoned and credible responses. Study Kayla’s use of media making and look to your sources for insights into the motivation and gratification behind it. This is an essay composition which requires a recognizable structure: introduction; body paragraphs; conclusion. It must follow the standard format we have been requiring all semester: Twelve-point, Times New Roman Font. Double-spaced. NO extra spaces between paragraphs (set your paragraph style tab to “No Spacing”). The header must consist of NAME, SECTION, and TITLE. The minimum word count is 500.
Essay Sample Content Preview:
Title Your Name Subject and Section Professor’s Name Date In the film, “Eighth Grade”, the videos Kayla constantly thinks of creating and uploading to her YouTube channel are probably the most important part of her identity as well as the film’s plot development. In the movie, it looks like the abuse of the platforms for her digital media works is one of the causes of Kayla’s misery, but the audience actually sees her still put her effort in making the video after the dramatic event (Burnham, 2018). This essay will be addressed based on the principle of “uses and gratifications” and will present what Kayla gains from making her videos, the nature of her audience, and the likely consequences of her video-making habit. The contents of Kayla’s channel are primarily about helping others resolve issues mostly relevant to youngsters, like getting through the trouble of growing up, low self-esteem, and the problems of being oneself around the people. She is an honest speaker, who often voices her feelings related to her own life events. In this way, she tries to help the ones, having the similar difficulties. Furthermore, the teens have been centrally positioned in the message, considering that the teens are the core group experiencing the complexities of growing up in the digital arena. Nevertheless, not only shall her videos catch the eye of the viewers she does not intend to, but also adults that might explore the worries and ideas of the pres...
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