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Warning Signs, Nature, and Causes of Compassion Fatigue and Ways to Combat it

Essay Instructions:

Read the articles listed in the readings for this module and use them as a starting point for researching the topic of compassion fatigue, caregiver burnout, and related issues. Evaluate your sources to make sure they are academically sound and useful to your study. Compile concepts and resources to help yourself when facing burnout as you care for patients.

In 1,250-1500 words, summarize your findings. Be sure to include the following:

Identify the warning signs for at least five concepts of compassion fatigue.

Present the nature of the problems and their causes.

Explain the physical, emotional, and spiritual needs of the caregiver.

Finally, give examples of coping strategies and resources you can use to help you, the caregiver.

Prepare this assignment according to the APA guidelines found in the APA Style Guide, located in the Student Success Center. An abstract is not required

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Combating Compassion Fatigue
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Many healthcare workers particularly nurses care for ill, wounded and traumatized patients and witness patient pain and suffering routinely (Boyle, 2011). They develop compassion fatigue condition due to their preoccupation with cumulative patients’ trauma and tension. They experience feelings of sadness that affect their wellbeing, reduce their capacity for being empathetic and may even cause them to avoid particular patients (Potter, et al., 2010). Compassion fatigue is marked by intense physical and emotional exhaustion as well as a prominent change in the caregiver’s ability to feel empathetic for patients and their loved ones (Mathieu, 2007). It is necessary to understand the nature and roots of compassion fatigue as well as the strategies used in coping.
Compassion fatigue has a significant impact on caregivers’ cognitive, emotional, spiritual, interpersonal and physical aspects. Cognitively the patient may become forgetful, have shorter attention spans, become self-doubtful and experience a decrease in their self-esteem. Emotionally, the caregiver may experience apathy, anger outbursts, overwhelming sadness, decreased ability for joy, and a reduced sense of personal accomplishment. Spiritually, the caregiver experiences a pervasive sense of hopelessness and interpersonal manifestations may include becoming withdrawn, loneliness and patients’ depersonalization. Physically, the caregiver’s exhaustion may be characterized by complaints such as headaches, insomnia, impaired immune system, and gastrointestinal distress (Bevans, 2010).
Apathy is a sure indicator of an emotional problem where the caregiver lacks concern for the patient. It occurs when the caregivers fully exploit their emotional reserves. It is preceded by the caregivers give all the attention possible in caring for the patient. Eventually, they become uncaring because their emotional reserves go un-replenished. Apathy dilutes job satisfaction and work becomes burdensome (Mathieu, 2007). Apathy also causes caregivers to feel incompetent to offer any additional support and care they numb themselves to the patient suffering (Coetzee & Klopper, 2010). Compassion fatigued caregivers experience feelings of inadequacy and a reduced sense of accomplishment which hampers productivity. There is decreased enthusiasm about work, increased absenteeism and eventual termination from work due to complaints from colleagues.
Some of the physical problems associated with compassion fatigue include the inability to sleep, restlessness, headaches stomach ailments and back pain among others. Caregivers may resort to chronic application for sick leave to get some rest. Relaxing and resting is vital because it mitigates physical exhaustion. Being physically tired also results in irritability and chronic pain, digestion problems and weakened immunity which increase the caregivers’ susceptibility to infections. It is thus imperative that caregivers identify these symptoms as indicators of imminent compassion fatigue and develop interventions (Bevans, 2010).
Caregivers feel obligated to offer more care and improve patient outcomes and the inability to improve patient outcomes results in a sense of hopelessness. They become overly sad, and lose their sense of purposes and self-worth which shows looming depression. The caregiver may experience a combination of burnout and strain on from their family and social circles simultaneously. Socially, the caregiver may become indifferent, unresponsive, callous, withdrawn and avoid emotionally charged situations. It causes caregivers to become frequently angry about the situation, irritable, depressed, desire to leave the profession, and at the worst suicidal (Coetzee & Klopper, 2010).
Compassion fatigue creates physical needs such as fatigue, insomnia, muscular tightness, weight gain or loss, and faster pulse rate due to anxiety. It is important that caregivers’ access proper nutrition, and engage in self -care activities such as physical exercises and relaxation exercises to prevent the onset of compassion fatigue (Bush, 2009). The caregiver’s physical health is paramount in ensuring that they also effectively extend quality care to their patients. In addressing the spiritual needs, caregivers require to engage in meditative activities by reflecting into their inner self through prayer. It works to restore the lost se...
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