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Reflection: Personal Writing Skills

Essay Instructions:

Reflection: Personal Writing Skills

Throughout this course, you have explored fundamental concepts of academic writing and composition. The skills you have practiced in this course lay the foundations for your future writing. 

In this Reflection, you evaluate your learning over the last six weeks, and explain how you plan to use and improve your new skills beyond this course.

Questions about this Assignment? Post them in the Contact the Instructor area. That way, everyone in the class will see and benefit from the Instructor's response.

To prepare for this Reflection:

•Reflect on the skills that you have acquired since the beginning of this course. How have your writing skills improved?

•Think about your experiences with the Final Project. What strategies did you learn, and subsequently incorporate, while you were working on your persuasive essay? Which part(s) of the writing process were the most challenging? Is there anything that you would do differently? If so, what?

•Consider how you will use these skills in a professional setting or in your personal writing. Why is it important to have these skills? 

•Reflect on your strengths and weaknesses in writing. How have they changed from the beginning of the course until now?

The Assignment:

•Write a 2-page paper evaluating your strengths and weaknesses in writing persuasive essays. Be sure to include answers to the following questions: 

◦What did you find most challenging about writing your persuasive essay and why?

◦How might you improve in researching and writing your next persuasive essay?

◦Explain how aspects of writing a persuasive essay allow you to be more successful in professional and personal writing.

In addition to the Reflection exercise, revise either of your first two Assignment papers and submit it as part of your overall Reflection on the course. 

•Read the original Application Assignment again, and read the feedback you received from your Instructor. 

•Incorporate both the Faculty feedback and what you have learned about writing and revising academic documents during this course. 

•Focus on paragraph development, improving your introduction and conclusion, and properly choosing and citing outside source materials to reinforce your own claims in the paper.

•Correct all grammar and proofreading errors.

•Be sure to revise the essay in proper APA format.

Formatting Expectations:

•Indent the first sentence of each paragraph. Block paragraphs are not acceptable for this Assignment. 

Your final document should:

•Be in a 10- or 12-point font, such as Arial or Verdana 

•Be double-spaced throughout 

•Have 1-inch margins for top, bottom, left, and right 

•Include your full name and the Assignment title on the document 

Essay Sample Content Preview:

Strengths and weaknesses of persuasive essay
Name of the institution
5th, October 2014
Writing has become one of the important aspects both in the education sector and the business world. The increased demand of writing has been led by the urge of communicating to the reader and making them understand the written points or ideas. As a result, the need of writing persuasive essays rise amongst the students as they have to convince their readers especially the teachers of their opinions. Also, persuasive writing is important in the business field especially during advertisements as customers must be convinced of the important of the goods and services being advertised. As such, this paper focuses on the strengths and flaws encountered when writing a persuasive essay and how to improve in this writing as well as the advantages associated with writing these essays.
A persuasive essay aims at convincing the reader of the correctness of the writer’s opinion through the use of words. As such, the writer of a persuasive essay must use many techniques that will assist him or her in convincing the reader of the idea or the opinion being presented in the writing. To attain this, the writer must take into account the weaknesses and strengths associated with this writing.
The main problem that persuasive essay writers are faced with is the writing a good introduction of their essays. The introduction of every essay is very crucial as it is the one that determines whether or not the reader will continue reading the essay. As such, it is a duty of a persuasive essay writer to ensure that the introduction of his or her essay is capturing the reader’s attention that in turn will encourage the writer to keep on reading the essay (Snow, 2012). In addition, thesis statement in the introductory paragraph also challenges persuasive ess...
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