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Untrue Publications: Cure for Coronavirus

Essay Instructions:

Course Competencies Addressed:

Analyze specific rhetorical contexts, including circumstance, purpose, topic, audience, and writer, as well as the writing`s ethical, political, and cultural implications.

Organize writing to support a central idea through unity, coherence, and logical development appropriate to a specific writing context.

Use appropriate conventions in writing, including consistent voice, tone, diction, grammar, and mechanics.

Summarize, paraphrase and quote from sources to maintain academic integrity and to develop and support one`s own ideas.

Use feedback obtained from peer review, instructor comments and/or other resources to revise writing.

Generate, format, and edit writing using appropriate technologies.

Identify, analyze and present the ethical, cultural implications of an untrue publication.

Untruths could be all around us at any moment in the media, conversations, advertising, even among friends. So, how does a person know if something is not true? This writing assignment will explore this question.

You should do some research of your own online. Find something you think is 'fishy' or questionable. Then research the topic in our library database. See what other, credible sources are saying about this topic, idea, argument. You should triangulate your research to at minimum three scholarly or peer-reviewed journals that prove your questionable publication is either true or not true.

See this video from Vanderbilt University on the difference between popular vs. scholarly & peer-reviewed journals,

[Vanderbilt University]. (2017, September 8). Scholarly vs. Popular Periodicals. [Video File]. Retrieved from Scholarly vs. Popular Periodicals

Organize your essay like this:

I. Introduction of the topic.

II. Present, summarize, explain, and give an analysis of your questionable source. What is the author's purpose and tone? Who is the audience of the piece?

III. Compare the words, ideas, opinions, etc of your questionable source to the scholarly or peer-reviewed sources. After you've presented the information, discuss the conclusion. Do these two sources conflict? Or support one another?

IV. Explain the social, cultural, and ethical repercussions of believing or not believing this source. If a source is not true and people believe it, what is the result? Likewise, if a source is true and people don't believe it, what are the repercussions and what should be changed to make the source more believable?

V. Conclude

Your essay should follow APA format with a cover page, text, and References page (Abstract not necessary here). Use 12pt font, double space. You should have minimum five sources including your source in question. Your essay should be 3-5 pages of text in length.

Although you aren't being asked for this last writing assignment, I suggest you create an outline, write your thesis statement, and organize your sources in an outline of your own before you write your essay. We will not complete peer review or write a rough draft, so make sure your final draft is as perfect as can be. It will be graded as harshly as all the other final writing assignments we have written. The difference is now you, as an academic writer, have practice composing an essay by completing all the steps required to produce an excellent piece of academic work.

Essay Sample Content Preview:

Untrue Publications: Cure for Corona Virus
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Untrue Publications: Cure for Corona Virus
People tend to rely on various publications to get various information on their research. Their research can be either be for recreational purposes or informative purposes. Many articles can be accessed online that act as points of reference for such research. It is important to note that these articles are not limited to online articles, people are capable of coming up with their theories that aim at explaining different issues. The information obtained can either be true or false. If the information is not true it can have various negative consequences for a person who is not aware of what they are researching.
In December 2019, the first case of coronavirus was reported in Wuhan China. After a while, the cases began to increase and people were dying from this virus. At that time there was no known cure or vaccine for this virus and the mortality rate was very high. The virus began to spread out of Wuhan and it was declared a global pandemic (Benbenisty, 2020). Everyone had different views on the virus and people were trying to survive. Since there was no known cure, doctors were only treating the symptoms and advising people to minimize social interactions as a way of reducing and preventing the spread of the virus. People became desperate for a cure and soon everyone had their theory. There were many articles that people published as a way of sharing their theory with other people.
However, many articles claimed that garlic was the cure for the virus which was misleading. People started ingesting garlic in large amounts as a way of protecting themselves from the virus (Camble, 2020). The sources also stated that ingesting bleaching agents and chlorine dioxide would help in healing and protecting people from the virus. People started ingesting these substances and eventually, they developed other serious complications.
The World Health Organization denied those claims and advised people to only use the preventive measures that they had recommended. They had advised people to avoid social gatherings, washing hands, and sanitize often to kill the germs. These methods were scientifically proven to have a significant effect on killing germs.
There was an article that was circulating on different online platforms that provided a recipe on how to prepare garlic as a way of protecting oneself from Covid-19. It claimed that one should boil garlic and consume the residue. This was supposedly research that was conducted by a Chinese doctor. There were claims that the doctor was successful in healin...
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