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Wk 3 Discussion - Images of Unity Literature & Language Essay

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Wk 3 Discussion - Images of Unity  

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Respond to the following in a minimum of 175 words: 

Images of Unity

The Civil War was the deadliest war in American history. When it ended, citizens faced the impossible task of creating a unified federal government. Political leaders employed complex rhetorical strategies to achieve this goal.

Select a work which includes an image of unity from the Reconstruction period.

I’m going with The Gettysburg Address by Lincoln.  Please use the Library of Congress as your source. Here is an image of the Gettysburg Address, if you could find something like these images, that would be great.  Thanks.




Describe the image.

Does this image unite one group of people at the expense of another?

Support your response with at least two quoted pieces of evidence from the texts.


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Essay Sample Content Preview:
Wk 3 Discussion - Images of Unity
In this image, we can see the crowd that appeared when Lincoln delivered his famous Gettysburg speech. He is facing the crowd and does not have a hat. This image united the union army when president Lincoln used the occasion to dedicate a piece of land for soldiers as an opportunity to urge the people to fight (Library of Congress, n.d.). The image unites the union army and its allies against the confederate troops.
One of the key messages that were delivered during the occasion was that all men are created equal. The people in this photo were urged to see the importance of winning the war and its significance to its survival. This is demonstrated from the speech delivered at Get...
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