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Values and Themes in the Character Beowulf

Essay Instructions:

Your comparison/contrast essay should be a minimum of 500 words and should provide analysis of the author’s literary techniques as well as how your chosen texts reflect the society and culture of the time period. Remember to include one selection from the Renaissance and one from the Reformation. Justification should be provided in the form of text evidence and research from academic sources

What modern values and/or universal themes are evident in the character Beowulf? What does this tell us about how literature reflects society, culture, place, and/or history?

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Values and Themes in the Character Beowulf
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Values and Themes in the Character Beowulf
The character Beowulf is one that not only bears historical significance, but one that equally has great literary value. This is mainly because Beowulf has become a historical character that is representative of strong values and virtue in the society. In this sense, Beowulf is highly respected and valued, both of which do well to increase the greatness with which this literary character is approached (Peck & Coyle, 2013). At the same time, it is equally vital to note that the story of Beowulf is one that was filled with numerous reiterations of virtues that human beings should possess and how they should exercise them for the benefit of the society.
One of the most important themes in the character Beowulf is loyalty. Loyalty has been a common theme in this character based on the fact that Beowulf remains loyal to his people and continually seeks to help them overcome evil. This goes a long way towards establishing the significance of virtues and how they influence character development. In the story of Beowulf, for instance, the fact that Beowulf himself is mortally wounded when fighting for his people is demonstrative of the loyalty that people should possess to that which they value or believe in (Stephens & McCallum, 2013). Beowulf greatly valued his people and his country, and this value is demonstrated in his loyalty to both of them to the point that such loyalty results in his own death.
At the same time, it is equally vital to note that another core theme in Beowulf is that of good vs. evil. Throughout the story, Beowulf continually seeks to help his people overcome the evil that ...
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