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The Equal Pay The Issue of Gender Wage Gap

Essay Instructions:

Students are expected to prepare an individual report addressing the chosen topic. Each group member will submit their own paper. The report may cover the topic as a whole, or focus on a specific aspect or policy within the issue. This report/essay will include the following:-Identification and explanation of applicable laws and current issues relating to the topic-Personal stance/position regarding the issue(my topic is equal pay). Explain why. Students will include a bibliography with at least 5 reliable sources. (examples include peer-reviewed journals, organizational and governmental websites, etc.)

Essay Sample Content Preview:

Laws & Issues (Equal Pay)
[Name of the Student]
[Name of the Institution]
[Date of Submission]
Laws & Issues (Equal Pay)
According to Hood, Hardy & Simpson (2016), one of the biggest issues faced by Americans is the inequality between women and men, whether it is in a professional working environment or everyday routine-based life. One of the greatest steps considered toward equality was initiated with the Equal Pay Act of 1963 by John F. Kennedy the President. The very first impact of this law was the number of opportunities for the job available for females, giving them the privilege to work in conventional fields highly dominated by men. In response to traditional male dominating working standards, the Equal Pay Act emerged as a feasible solution with no wrong indications. However, the case appeared to be vice versa.
The Equal Pay
The Issue of Gender Wage Gap
Since the United States got created, the concept of wage inequality has been in existence. Gender inequality was not even perceived as inappropriate before the early 1990s. To perform jobs for men that were fighting in the war, females were hired during World War II. However, later in 1942, it was recommended by the National War Labor Board for employees that adjustment through which salary or wage rates paid to women can be equalized with the rates that are being paid to the males for comparable quantity and quality of work on the similar operations. However, this brilliant advice was not considered.
As a consequence of which, when World War II was about to take place, jobs were taken up from females and were handed over to the males who returned to their positions. The severity of this wage inequality was so critical that in the 1960s, around sixty percent less of the earning of the males were given to the females. This was the moment when females’ right activists like Katharine St. George and Winifred Stanley presided into the Congress in the United States. However, as the 20th century initiated, different avenues for the social issue of wage inequality became apparent.
As Kim (2015) highlighted that it was supposed that the ratio of workers and working women was the same, however, in 2011 it was explored that in contrast to one dollar earned by a man, a woman only received 70 cents of the earning on average. Moreover, the quest for equal rights is mostly categorized into two different eras. The first era comprised of the suffrage of women, whereas, the second one reflected upon the equal rights movement. A huge wave in feminism started taking place side by side to the abolitionist movement. As many females started realizing that it was not just the African Americans that were treated as slaves, but they were also considered as slaves by the males in the society. Since various females petitioned antislavery, the gag rule was placed at that time by the Congress in a session that eventually led most of these petitions on the later side of consideration.
At similar levels of skill in comparison to female-dominated fields, more payout was given by male-dominated fields. Furthermore, the majority of the females were unknown to the fact that they are earning less in contrast to their male colleagues. It is not just the capability of the woman to provide for herself that gets harmed, but also various families and children by such gender wage gap. In today’s world, the primary caregivers are women in almost 2/3rd of households in America. However, it becomes difficult for some families to pay their basic needs if the females are earning less in comparison to males.
The wage gap is still present that can be easily resolved through equal pay instead of considering other legislative acts. Despite the critical challenges related to enforcement and passing of the law, an act is required to be passed by the federal government of the United States. According to this law, the pay rate must be shared by all employees with their coworkers, although the gender wage gap will be closed once the employees share wages with their colleagues. However, serious hurdles may be created by the inherent issues in passing and creating law as the formulation of a new law requires many efforts. To transform into a law, different steps are required to be considered by a bill. Before even reaching to the President&...
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