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Challenge Of Culture Its Impact On Faith / Spirituality / Social Justice

Essay Instructions:

Reaction Paper

The theme is "The challenge of culture and its impact on faith/spirituality/social justice.

You can include the theme of wearing religious garb including the hijab. Can use outside sources and try to connect the topic to some of your course work where it is appropriate.

If need be, I can send you the grading rubic (same as last paper).

Stay away from general statements, use references to course work or outside sources.

Can use Arlene MacLeod, "Hegemonic Relations and Gender Resistance: the New Veiling as Accommodating Protest in Cairo" http://tinyurl(dot)com/hla8nso

Zainab Salbi "Women Wartime and the Dream of Peace" (TED talk) http://tinyurl(dot)comje3k7co

Najar "Why I Wear Hijab" http://tinyurl(dot)com/h6lsexd

Essay Sample Content Preview:

The Challenge of Culture and its Impact on Faith
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The Challenge of Culture and its Impact on Faith
Due to high networking and modernization in each sector, people encourage diversity in many countries. However, some cultures are discriminating people who belong to different cultures and faith. Faith and culture are transferred from one generation to another and faith conveyed in culture because of high moral values towards religion (Jasperse, 2011). Therefore, in modern cultures, accepting traditional faith like Islam, etc. is not acceptable by many people, and they prefer to dominate in that society with their cultural beliefs.
In western states, still people disrespect Muslims, and they faced high discrimination in terms of values and freedom. As per the research of Jasperse (2011), it is analyzed that in New Zealand, Muslim women faced discrimination and inequality, whereas the particular country prides itself as a diversified nation. There are many events incurred in New Zealand, where Muslim women were targeted for wearing hijab. People there considered the hijabi women as the negative figure in the society because of advanced modern culture and open environment. However, the appearance of Muslim women should be encouraged and respected by people for providing a right to freedom. Thereby, Nike; the multinational athlete brand launched hijab for sporty Muslim girls, and it is the biggest step towards reducing the discrimination against Muslims in western culture (Dawling, 2018). Some people in western states still create a great difference between culture and faith, and it possesses many challenges for believers to survive in a particular culture.
Western countries show high contradictions to culture and faith in which Muslim society is a great example that suffers from the condition of war like in Iraq. Hence, women with hijab represent her religion for which they are degraded in the western culture by asking them silly questions like do you have a bad hair day. Do you have lies in your hair? Do you have not to wash your hair? These questions decline their confidence and make it difficult to survive in a particular culture with Islamic principles (Najar, 2012). The cultural supremacy in western countries demeans people belong who belong to Islam and mostly those girls who wore hijab.
Some people in western culture are highly against hijab culture because western culture promotes freedom of wearing skinny clothes, jeans, shirt, etc. whereas, girls with hijab covered their ...
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