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Murray's "On the Equality of Sexes"

Essay Instructions:

What is the relationship between the poem that introduces Murray’s essay and the content and themes of the essay, “On the Equality of the Sexes?

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The essay ‘On the Equality of Sexes’ the essay begins as if it is a letter that is written to the gentlemen. Murray makes it clears that the targeted audience of the essay is male readers. Murray proceeds to dedicate her essay to the ‘Patronage of Candor’ as a way of warning her readers that what follows in the essay might be shocking for its authenticity and honesty. Murray also anticipates plagiarism when she states that many respectable persons read her essays while she was drafting it. The rest of the preface includes the poem of Murray which is used to summarize the main points of the essay in rhyming verses. The poem is used to develop the theme of gender in inequality and the argument of spiritual and intellectual equality between men and women which is further supported by the rest of the essay.
In the first part of the poem, Murray acknowledges that capability, ambition, and inequalities of intelligence exist among human beings. Each human being possesses a soul that is created by God and some human beings are very content to vegetate or exist merely. Other people have superior minds that are usually motivated by their curiosity. Murray continues to illustrate that only those people who have a genius and the innate capability and the motivation to work have the ability to understand and attain greatness. The superior minds of the people can learn all the secrets of existence that is the deep science which the author continues to compare it to a shy woman.
In the second part of the poem, Murray u...
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