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Temperance: The Deteriorating Cardinal Virtue

Essay Instructions:

Ask your parents or host home adults: which of the four Cardinal Virtures they think is most absent in today's world. In a 300 word typed reflection, discuss the reasons for their choices and compare their answers to your own view.

Essay Sample Content Preview:
Temperance: The Deteriorating Cardinal Virtue Student Name Institution Affiliation The great thinker and philosopher of ancient times such as Emanuel Kant and Aristotle believed that human beings could choose on whether to do right or wrong action. This choice is primarily determined by the capability to restrain ourselves from doing things that may bring instant happiness to us, but in the end, have disastrous feedback to ourselves and those surrounding us. Last weekend, I engaged my father on a talk about changes between my generation and his. He said there is a great shift in character from the previous to the present age. He attributed moral decay in the change and in particular to our inability to conquer our desires and passions. He went further and alluded his observation to the time of my expulsion from school for sneaking out to go and play Balloon Dart throw. According to him, missing classes would cost my grades and my future just because I lacked temperance. Temperance is the virtue that restrains us from our passions and desires (Wagner, 2018). I got more concerned and asked my father to shed more light on the deteriorating nature of Temperance. He referred me to read on the temperance movement of the 19th Century. According to O...
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