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The Top Five Challenges of Creating a Global Marketing Campaign

Essay Instructions:

4 mini essays: (example attached)

17.Students find 1 current business article on the challenges of global marketing

18.Swartz, Scott.Challenges for Today’s Global Supply Chain: Cost, Profitability and Personalization. Inbound Logistics. October 6 2014. http://www(dot)inboundlogistics(dot)com/cms/article/challenges-for-todays-global-supply-chain-cost-profitability-and-personalization/.

19.WRAP 12 Principles & History of WRAPwww(dot)wrapcompliance(dot)org

20.Attwell, William. 3 Things Multinationals Don’t Understand About Africa’s Middle Class.Harvard Business Review. August 18 2017.

please read :

All Mini Papers are to be submitted electronically, via CANVAS, in PDF. Mini Papers should not be e-mailed to the Instructor. Mini Papers should not exceed ¾ page in length.

They must follow the format below:

Article name,


and source if available

Student’s full name (first and last name)

3 Key takeaways as bullet points

One question the article prompted for the student but that was not answered in the article

Essay Sample Content Preview:

Mini Essays
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March 5, 2019
Winter, J. (2017). The Top Five Challenges of Creating a Global Marketing Campaign
Your Name
* Due to the advent and continuous proliferation of technology and increasing competition, corporations nowadays are creating advertisements that are specifically tailored for “specific users and groups globally”. However, doing this would require the strategic combination of consumer data and business analysis. The difficulty or challenge comes in properly analyzing the data and applying it to increase reach and efficiency of global marketing strategy. Nevertheless, doing so would allow to strategically place resources for advertisement and increase consumer traffic.
* While planning for a specific strategy to conduct a global marketing activity- particularly a digital marketing campaign – some of the challenges that must be put into consideration are; (1) people, (2) personas, (3) language, (4) customer data, and (5) budget. All in all, these criteria focus on the fact that global marketing requires the company to consider the vast variety in terms of population while also operating on a relatively low budget. In other words, optimal results for the most affordable cost is key.
* One of the things that can be done to achieve efficiency is working with local companies. Local companies could help both in data gathering and analysis, as well as the development of strategies that could increase the scope and efficiency of digital marketing campaigns. Doing so could also lessen the cost and energy needed by the company in creating a global marketing campaign.
How can global marketing companies better coordinate with local agencies to increase efficiency and lower cost for advertisement?
Swartz, S. (2014). Challenges for Today’s Global Supply Chain: Cost, Profitability and Personalization
Your Name
* Survey shows that some of the major concerns of executives when it comes to supply chains are (1) profitability, (2) cost management, (3) customer satisfaction, and (4) flexibility. Although the first three concerns were unsurprising, the concern about flexibility is relatively new and shows the increasing demand for the quality of services of such companies. Specifically, flexibility includes the supply chain’s ability to innovate, differentiate itself from others, and adapt with the changes in pricing and logistics brought about by extrinsic factors.
* Globalization has ushered a change into how global companies interact with their supply chains and compete for consumer loyalty. Before the present dominance of globalization, companies can easily differentiate themselves from others using their branding. These days, companies (as well as their consumers) are expected “to not only deliver goods on time, but to tailor and respond to divergent customer and supplier expectations regarding pricing and packages”. Nonetheless, doing so also requires the efficiency between the interaction of the company and their local supply chains.
* An optimized global supply chain system is characterized with qualities such as; (1) Reduced costs, (2) Increased transparency, (3) Lower risk, and (4) Support legacy and new products.
What are the effects of supply chain diversi...
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