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Research Proposal: Eating Disorders

Essay Instructions:
For the Unit IV assignment, students are to complete the literature review for the Research Proposal. A minimum of five relevant references are to be analyzed for the Literature Review. The references used are to be cited in the Literature Review of the Research Proposal. They are also to be included in the references page and in APA format. Review of the Relevant Literature/Related Research/Literature Review: Provide a minimum of five research studies that address the same topic chosen for the proposal.  What are the similar areas of study or studies that lead up to the current research? Identify the importance of the questions being asked.  Report on the current status of the topic.  Analyze the relationship between the literature reviewed and the problem statement. Include a summary, along with a restatement of the relationships between the variables under consideration and how these relationships are important to the proposed hypothesis. **********please see both attachments*****************
Essay Sample Content Preview:

Unit 2 assignment
Research Proposal: Eating Disorders
The term eating disorder refers to anorexia nervosa and bulimia nervosa. A state in which an individual losses weight through restricting intake of food and exercise and regular binge eating through self induced vomit and misuse of laxatives, enemas and diuretics. They do not meet the exact criteria of serious eating disorders even though they are of similar conditions on human. These conditions of eating are majorly common in women. Approximately 2.5 percent of feminines in the United States of America suffer eating disorder in their lives. In men, eating disorder is not that common. The number of the most affected group is between the ages 10 to 39 years and female during their adolescent stage in life. An individual is well aware of the symptoms and signs of such disorders. There is a lot of publicity about the problem hence enabling women know whether they are suffering from eating disorders or not. As a result, they can act immediately to arrest the problems.
The main symptoms include bingeing on food, eating too little food, vomiting food back up and purging it from an individual’s body. These force most of them to hide away their behavior so that people around them do not see what they are undergoing in their lives. Disproportionate preoccupations with food and body appearance are some of the symptoms, which cannot be hidden since everyone sees them. Besides these other suspicious signs are excessive exercise, refusing to eat fatty foods, avoiding family and friends during meals, weight loss, quick weight gaining, separating from family gradually.
Problem Statement
Research shows that people who suffer from anorexia nervosa, confining type contribute to personality traits and behaviors that tend to be more obsessive, for example, being rigid, inhibited, and perfect. People with OCD have serotonin system inability since they act well to optional serotonin reuptake inhibitors (SSRIs). With much research into the causes of eating disorder, it revolves much around neurotransmitters in the human brain. Research shows that the behavior is strongly influenced in the hypothalamus part of brain by messenger chemicals. Human beings feel fulfilled only through the aid of serotonin in the body. When researchers inject serotonin into the animal’s body, there is suppression in eating behavior.
Out of this, it is clear that most people who suffer from anorexia have long recovery records. Hence, this elevated levels of products left over metabolizing serotonin. There is a correlation between the low level of serotonin and impulsive, suicidal, and aggressive behavior. The splurging and renovating behaviors in the structure do imply that they have inclination control and satiety directive problems as reports from medical authorities to the people claims. From the past study, genetic aspect of eating disorder was well under control through psychological assessment, which links anorexia to a cluster of transmissible individuality and natural traits. These may include obesity, perfectionism and care taking. Recent studies have shown that there is a significant change of correction from the past belief. In the past belief, people had higher lifetime options of eating disorders in relative understanding of anorexia. Studies prove twice identically that 66 percent of women have anorexia, which is equivalent to the higher rate of fraternal twin pairs.
Rationale for the Research
The basis for this research is to make people enlightened on the effects of eating disorders. Eating disorders are very dangerous to individuals since they cause damage to the heart, liver, immune system and other sensitive human organs. They may arise from getting inadequate minerals and resources from the body. This makes the whole body suffer from fatigue and purging. These disorders affect the well-being of an individual as well as psychological and social relation. The state of these eating disorders makes an individual depressed, irritated, sleepless night do affect school performance apart from other economical contribution of an individual to the society. Most individuals with anorexia nervosa do not give a chance to gravity of their ill health. Therefore, they do not attempt to get medical treatment hence most families’ visit their doctors only after weight loss or when their eating habits have changed and for some serious moments is when girls have stopped their menstrual periods. Some will tend to ignore these symptoms hence developing resistance to medical treatment.
Statement of the Research Objectives
The purpose or the objectives for this study are to identify clues to the biological foundation of these disorders. It intends to identify particular parts of the brain, which get affected by these biological disorders. As well, it entails the identification of receptors, which perform various functions in the human brain. More researchers should come out and help train and educate individuals, alongside giving various treating strategies to aid individuals with eating disorders conquer these difficult and immobilizing conditions.
Individuals who attend nutritional counseling and medication regularly have a better life compared to those who have no time for their lives. It is therefore a request to all people to attend medical checkup regularly. This takes care of possible diseases within their body to avoid the early stages and development of eating disorder among other body deficiencies. From the studies, children and adolescents have better health if only they go for their family therapy in addition to regular medical checkup. Regular medical treatment, teaching and individual therapy should be administered to people with anorexia should have to maintain their living setup.
Definition of Terms
“For the purpose of this research, improvement is functionally identified as post test score minus pretest score.” The purpose of the objectives refers to the reasons as to why the research is carried out, the main reason why an individual can come up with such a research. Rationale for the Research means the underlying principles of research. What is contained in the whole research proposal and what is it going to tackle afterwards. “Personality traits refers to individuality own characters.” Psychological and socio relation, this is defined as the relationship existing in the mind and the way it is related to the immediate environment. It can also refer to how an individual relates physically and mentally with others in the neighborhoods for a peaceful co-existence.
In summary, eating disorder is a very common ill health among women and involves severe disorder in eating behaviors such as rigid diet, hiding meals, high calorie counts. It is unhealthy dietary habit which is much complicated since it involves weight, food and body shape. Many with eating disorders prefer using food to handle their pain emotionally, or any other uncomfor...
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