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Speech language pathology

Essay Instructions:
survey questionnaire and interview analysis. Files and further instructions will be sent as well to writer. Please have writer message me immediately for instructions. I need this by Sunday. Hi, I'm providing instructions and attaching files. I need five pages of written analysis of attached material (the surveys and interviews). In addition to the actual word count, I need graphics (charts) made from the information in the surveys. Pie charts, line charts, cross tab charts (the kind that shows percentages), that kind of thing. Explanations of each chart (probably by question) please. Titles and figures to the charts please. This is an initial study of the effect of policy mandates on undergraduate (and maybe graduate) level impacts on students wishing to enter the speech language pathology field. I will attach writing leading up to this analysis. I do not need high level stats. I do need you to put the data in written and graphic form, with percentages and counts. The analysis should be a mixed methods approach, so part of it will be descriptive (just looking at the data and making smart points to go along with it, with discussion) and part will be reporting on the frequencies (percentages, categories, etc) and what they mean. I can fill in the holes but I need you to do the core of the analysis. Attachments are: 1. sections 1 through 3 of the study. This will give you the background info you need to make sense of the analysis. 2. Interview Results - August 2012. This is the part you need to extract the qualitative (and if applicable) quantitative info from. There is only one personal interview, so this part refers mostly to the qualitative (descriptive) portion. Do not copy/paste answers, as this interview will go into the appendix anyway and should not be a part of the word count of this order. 3. The other part of the analysis is drawn from a report that is already published: http://www(dot)asha(dot)org/Research/2008-Researcher-Survey/. It is a survey you can find on this page link. Go here: http://www(dot)asha(dot)org/uploadedFiles/2008-Researcher-Survey-Respondent-Demographics.pdf, to retrieve the actual survey results. It is a pdf file. Take the pdf file of the survey results, and "re-write" it with new charts, etc, pertinent to the sections 1 through 3 that I am sending with this email. Look at the research questions, and I know some of the section three methodology may not match up completely with what you are doing, but I will re-write that. If you have any questions, stay in close email contact. I will ask for updates (not drafts) daily. Please do not wait until Sunday to try and do this. I realize you are probably very experienced with doing this specific type of work, and know that for your own sanity spreading this analysis out over a few days is ideal. A little bit each day:) Okay, so that document that is interview results, contains a summary of 8 interviews. Please analyze accordingly, thanks.
Essay Sample Content Preview:

Data analysis
Institutional affiliation

Data analysis
This analysis aims at deducing the variations in factors that influence both the independent and dependent variables. The dependent variables incorporated include the existence of mentoring and practicum’s, the characteristics of the survey respondents, as well as, attitudes of the respondents towards future implications. On the other hand, the dependent variables include the attitudes of SLP professionals toward clinical practicum’s, attitudes of the respondents towards the future of the profession and the attitudes of the respondents towards the limited availability of the practicum’s at the college level and its contribution to the ASHA certification. The first data set was collected from the eight interviews conducted. This analysis also reviews the results obtained from a survey conducted through the ASHA email database. Out of the 1,233 people in the mail list total of 303 respondent’s respondent to the survey request. A total of 209 respondents completed the entire survey whereas the rest 94 respondents did not complete the entire survey. The broad categories involved in the survey will be instrumental in answering the research questions.
Interview results analysis
StatisticsWhat is your age?NValid8Missing0Mean3.1250Median3.5000Mode4.00
What is your age?FrequencyPercentValid PercentCumulative PercentValid25 years112.512.512.527 years225.025.037.530 years112.512.550.031 years337.537.587.533 years112.512.5100.0Total8100.0100.0

StatisticsApproximate annual incomeNValid8Missing0Mean3.7500Median4.0000Mode4.00a
a. Multiple modes exist. The smallest value is shown
Approximate annual incomeFrequencyPercentValid PercentCumulative PercentValid40,000112.512.512.552,000112.512.525.056,000112.512.537.565,000225.025.062.570,000225.025.087.5110,000112.512.5100.0Total8100.0100.0

StatisticsFamily statusNValid8Missing0Mean1.8750Median2.0000Mode1.00a
a. Multiple modes exist. The smallest value is shown
Family statusFrequencyPercentValid PercentCumulative PercentValidMarried337.537.537.5Single337.537.575.0single with one child225.025.0100.0Total8100.0100.0

CorrelationsWhat is your age?Approximate annual incomeWhat is your age?Pearson Correlation1.016Sig. (2-tailed).970N88Approximate annual incomePearson Correlation.0161Sig. (2-tailed).970N88From the correlation analysis above there is a positive relationship between the age of the respondents and their salary.
How many years have you been a licensed SLP?FrequencyPercentValid PercentCumulative PercentValid1 year112.512.512.51 1/2 years112.512.525.02112.512.537.54 years225.025.062.56 years112.512.575.06.00225.025.0100.0Total8100.0100.0

The pie-chart above provides a graphical representation of the number of the years the respondents had been licensed as SLP.
From the third question in the eight interviews the professional gave different opinions concerning the quality of the professional field of SLP’s at the moment. Most of the respondent felt the quality was high. All the respondents acknowledged to have participated in ASHA activities. As their umbrella professional organization they felt it opened up opportunities for them as well as keeping them updated. Six out of the eight respondents felt that there were inadequate professionals in SLP.
According to the respondents the definition of the term mentoring involved guidance of new entrants in the profession. All the respondents apart from one acknowledged to have participated in a practicum during their undergraduate curriculum. However the type of the internships varied from one individual to another. The eighth question involved the reason why the respondents had opted to join the profession. The responses varied from the humanitarian aspect to the demand in the industry. However, the general feeling was that the profession offered an opportunity to serve the society. When the respondents were asked to talk about the sufficiency of their college training they conquered that it was useful. However, a few felt that it was pertinent to search for extra knowledge to be effective in the profession.
Only two respondents felt that professional organizations like ASHA did not offer adequate professional support. However the other six felt that the organizations offered adequate professional support to its members. All the respondents acknowledged to have been exposed to professional organizations such as NSSHLA which were supportive to their professional development process. The entire respondent acknowledged the fact that they would want to stay in the SLP profession. Their reasons varied from one individual to another. The majority indicated that they loved the field. When the respondents were asked about the things they would want to be changed in the undergraduate coursework a number of issues were identified.
Only half of the respondents had mentored different people in their profession from assistants to undergraduate students. Most of the respondents felt that the internships or practicum’s played a significant role in ensuring that the students are adequately prepared to face the challenges in the field.
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