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Supreme Court of Canada

Essay Instructions:
4. Discuss the structure of the Supreme Court of Canada.
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The supreme court of Canada
The supreme court of Canada is the highest court of land that plays the central role in Canada and evolution of the judicial interpretation. The act of parliament constituted the supreme court of Canada in 1875 which is currently governed by the Supreme Court act. The creation of the Supreme Court bills were introduced in 1869 and 1870 but both failed, but t he 1875 bill was passed. It is the Supreme Court that leads other lower courts in the uniformity of the states court system in all courts (CBC News, 2006). Its position is always used in alteration of law application and interpretation in a manner of judicial reasoning in laying down new approaches. It is the Supreme Court that provides a way in which other courts have to interpret and apply charter rights, and its preparedness to uphold charter rights in the face of the state.
The Supreme Court has the jurisdiction to hear cases and is the final court of appeal where the appeals come from the provincial courts and federal courts. It plays another important role regarding government queries on of legal consequences submitted by the federal government to the Supreme Court. The supreme court of Canada is composed of nine judges who consist of one chief justice and eight puisne justices (Bilodeau, 2010). Judges in the Supreme Court hold office until they retire or reach the age of 75 years but can be vetted out for incapacitation or misconduct by the governor general on the direction of the senate. The Supreme Court Act has set out rules that concern appointment of judges to the court drawn from the superior court justices. A regional representative is required by the Act in the constitution of Supreme Court judges.
Appointment at the Supreme Court is vested on the governor general w ho has the power to appoint judges following the prime minister decision (Makarenko, 2008). There are no other representatives or parliament that has the formal authority regarding appointment in the Suprem...
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