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The tyranny of evaluation. Literature & Language Essay

Essay Instructions:

The tyranny of evaluation

Purpose: To develop and refine your critical voice by engaging in a consideration of whether and how something called "evaluation" is useful to the growth and well-being of artists. If you are not an artist, then you should adapt your writing to a context of practice, or a discipline, in which you are active and in which something called "evaluation" is a regular occurrence.

Assignment Prompt: Read the attached essay on "the tyranny of evaluation" and construct an essay (5-7 pages) in which you summarize the concerns described by the author and make connections between those concerns and the evaluative practices that take place within an arts (or other) practice/discipline with which you are familiar. The reader of your essay should understand clearly what the author of the chapter is concerned about, the reasons that underlie her concerns, and your perspectives on her concerns. The reader of your essay should also come away with an understanding of your view of the relevance/applicability of her concerns to a practice or discipline in which you have experience. In other words, you are making clear connections between her ideas and experiences and your own ideas and experiences within a particular field of work.

To be clear: I am using the terms practice, discipline, and field of workinterchangeably. Dance, theatre, painting, playwriting, acting, opera, etc., are all practices, disciplines and fields of work. So are law enforcement, nursing, and financial management.

If you quote or paraphrase the author's chapter (or any other author's work) make a clear reference to what you are doing by using a style of citation of references that makes sense to you. No need to ask me what I want in this regard, I just said all that I want.


Essays should be created as word documents (as if you were going to print them on a printer), double spaced and in a size 12 font

Grading: These essays will be graded on the basis of presentation (sentence-level correctness, spelling, grammar, punctuation), and depth, clarity and coherent organization of ideas. Read the prompt thoroughly.

Essay Sample Content Preview:

The Tyranny of Evaluation
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Course Title:
The Tyranny of Evaluation
Evaluation entails determining the significance, worth, or merit of something, with the use of criteria that is governed by certain standards. Evaluation helps to identify future change. It also enables reflection. In the book chapter entitled The Tyranny of Evaluation, Langer (2005) expresses her concerns in relation to evaluation in arts practice. This essay provides a summary of the concerns of the author. It also makes connections between those particular concerns and the evaluative practices occurring within an arts practice that I am familiar with, namely dance.
In Chapter 3: The Tyranny of Evaluation, Langer (2005) has extensively conveyed her concerns regarding evaluation of an artwork, particularly mindless or negative evaluation. The tyranny that evaluation is holding over people is a major barrier that needs to be overcome in order to attain a personal renaissance. When presented with the chance of expressing oneself in a creative manner, many people are hesitant. The main reason for the hesitation, according to Langer (2005), is one’s fear of other people’s negative views. Individuals form evaluations on the basis of their own needs, but people are also inclined to accept the evaluations of other people as if they were objective. By forming or accepting evaluations, people hold the world still, which is mindless. People evaluate so as to possess or do what is right/good. People utilize evaluation in making themselves happy. Even so, an evaluative frame of mind is self-defeating and brings unhappiness rather than happiness (Langer, 2005).
Evaluation is integral to how people make sense of the world. However, people mostly make or accept evaluations in a mindless manner. While people recognize that things have disadvantages and advantages, they fail to consider that each advantage is at the same time a disadvantage from another viewpoint, and vice versa. This is a more mindful approach of looking at things. When people change their attitude regarding evaluation, they would be able to understand that every behaviour makes sense from the perspective of the actor or else that actor would not have done it (Langer, 2005). The mindless nature of many evaluations serves to impose a harsh tyranny on artists.
There are very few artworks that are appreciated by everybody, and there are many artworks that have been highly praised yet they are not liked by many people. People who know little about art usually attribute a naivetй to the artist which would be mistaken (Langer, 2005). Understanding that the behaviour of people could be seen in diverse ways could free people to see that the things they judge in a negative way might, in fact, have been deliberate and successful from a different perspective. Overall, every behaviour makes sense from the perspective of the actor or else the actor would not do it. This implies that all the negative evaluations of people are suspect and actions that are founded upon these evaluations regarding other people are dubious (Langer, 2005).
Evaluation has consequences. On the whole, the cost of evaluation to people’s psychological processes is prodigious. These processes, for instance lying, guilt, regret, and social comparing, denote that events are bad or good and that people have to accept them just as they are and learn to tackle them instead of people questioning their evaluation of them in the first place. For an evaluation to be meaningful, a common metric has to be utilized (Langer, 2005). People in general tend to see different information depending upon their motivation and vantage point. Also, people usually see the same information in a different way. As such, the behaviour of someone else might be accounted for by the observer but with a dissimilar label; a label which carries a very dissimilar evaluative tone.
Compliments typically make an artist to feel good. However, Langer (2005) stated that they should be taken cautiously giv...
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